"Raven?" he asked. He realized she must have seen the kiss that he and Terra had shared. He felt ashamed. Terra turned towards the pained Titan and glared.

"Get out of here witch," she spat. Raven turned and began to walk away.

"Raven!" Beast Boy reached out to her, but she continued to walk away. "Raven!"

- Scene Break -

"Raven!" Beast Boy sat up with a start, his gloved hands clutching his sheets to his chest. He panted. It had just been a dream. He lay back down, and stared at the ceiling. Raven's pained expression filled his mind. It made his heart ache seeing her in such pain. His thoughts focused on her. He hadn't really spoken with her since Terra returned.

He reflected on the past two days and realized to his horror that he hadn't paid any attention to Raven at all. He hadn't tried to make her laugh. He'd been spending too much time with Terra. He made a decision then, lying in the dark. He was going to spend the day with Raven. He knew Terra probably wouldn't approve, but he didn't care. Raven was too important to him.

Beast Boy jumped down from his bunk, and did a few quick stretches before leaving his room. He worked through what he would say to Raven. He was concerned for her, so he decided to ask how she was doing. He knew instinctively that she probably wouldn't tell him the truth, but it's the thought that counts.

He walked into the Titan's living room and looked around. Cyborg and Robin where playing the game-station, Starfire was playing with her gigantic moth larvae, Silkie, and Terra was sitting on the couch reading a magazine. Raven was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Beast Boy," Terra got up, ran over to him, and gave him a big hug.

"Hey," he said, and then he turned to the rest of the team. "Has anyone seen Raven?" Terra's expression darkened.

"I do not think that she has left her room yet," Starfire replied.

"Oh," Beast Boy's ears drooped. He turned towards the door, started to leave, but Terra grabbed his wrist.

"We should go for a walk," she insisted.

"Terra," Beast Boy was exasperated. "I just want to make sure Raven's okay."

"She'll be fine," Terra replied. "Let's just go already." Before Beast Boy replied, the Titan alarm began flashing. A black energy field spread across the floor, and Raven materialized in front of him.

"What's the problem?" she asked, her gravelly voice more sullen than usual.

"Looks like Plasmus," Robin replied.

"Again?" Terra scoffed. "Don't these losers ever learn?"

"Yeah no kidding," Beast Boy turned to Raven. "They're even more stupid than I am." A hint of a smile spread across her lips.

"Teen Titans go!" Robin cried. Everyone made their way to the door.

"You okay?" Beast Boy asked Raven as he ran along beside her. He could have morphed, but then he wouldn't be able to talk to her.

"Sure," she replied. He didn't believe her, but didn't pursue it. They made their way towards the T-car. Cyborg's eyes shone with pride. Its color scheme matched his. He had made the T-car out of his own circuits. The T-car was his baby. Unfortunately, it only sat five.

"Looks like you're flying," Terra quickly said to Raven. Beast Boy flinched.

"We should at least draw straws," he suggested.

"Beast Boy we don't have time for that," Robin replied. Thinking quickly, which surprised him, Beast Boy came up with an alternative.

"Why don't you take the R-cycle?" he asked.

Love Hurts (first in Destiny series)Where stories live. Discover now