Hero Gala

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Summary: Hawks takes you to the Hero Gala as his girlfriend since you both recently made it public that the two of you, highly ranked pros, were in a committed serious relationship.

Warning: Slight plot twist I guess, I dunno-


"I dunno bout this Kei...I mean, we only recently made 'us' public...And we've already received a handful of death threats..." You mumbled quietly. You were both currently cuddled up on your couch. Keigo sat up on the couch and you sat in between his legs with your back against his chest. His arms were wrapped around you and your legs entangled with his. You were debating on whether you should go to the Hero Gala with him.

You never really did attend the Hero Gala, even when you were invited every year. You found it unnecessary, you were a hero strictly for saving those in need. Everything else was completely irrelevant.

That was one of the million things that Keigo adored about you. You were a REAL hero. You were loved, worshipped, favored, attractive, and very strong. If you wanted you could easily surpass him in the popularity ranks if you participated in events besides fan meetings and joined the modeling industry with him. But you weren't into that stuff. If you could assure the public and society that you'd devote your life into keeping them safe, you were content.

"Fair point. But every single one of those death threats were from crazy obsessed fans who could never live up to the overly confident words they spoke. None of them could actually harm us in any way, shape, or form." Hawks assured you, somehow pulling you closer to him as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder.

"Besides, I've been dying for the chance to walk down a red carpet, hand in hand with my one and only, showing off to the world that I'm the luckiest bastard there ever was~" He whispered in your ear flirtatiously before he gently nipped at your ear.

You yelped and gently swatted his face away from your ear. You quietly whined in annoyance and rubbed your ear as he laughed. "So? You agree?"

You sighed as you took a couple seconds to review the pros and cons before making your decision. "Fine fine. I guess I'll go."

"Yayy~" He quietly cheered in victory as you rolled your eyes at his stupidity. Oh well. You'd let him have his moment for now. He was your one and only after all. And little did you know that he had a surprise in store for you.

~The Day Of The Hero Gala~

"How the fudge does he make this look so easy..." You internally cried on the inside as you tried to do a cat-liner for the 827th time. Then you remembered that he was basically born with his liner since he was a hawk.

"Hey baby, you almost ready ye-" Keigo began as he walked into your shared bedroom, but paused when he saw you sitting at your vanity, in a robe, doing your makeup. Though at least you did your hair.

"Seriously babe?" He said sarcastically as he walked closer to you until he was standing behind you, towering over you. "Your eyeliner looks like shit."

"Quit being a douche alright?! I'm trying!" You whined, going back to trying to fix your liner as he laughed at your childishness.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways. Whatcha gonna wear?" Hawks asked curiously as he leaned down and rested his chin on top of your head. You shrugged your shoulders. "Dunno. I have a lot of options so I still haven't chosen yet."

Endless Dream {Hawks × Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now