The mysterious adventurer "1"

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"WhAAAAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS ! YOU TWO!" a certain Flat chested goddess shouted

Loki was in her room drinking like usual when both the Amazon sisters barged in , wanting to check their stats for some reason , despite having done so just few days ago. Loki who felt annoyed by the the fact that her drinking session was disturbed she refused but the constant cold gazes from the sisters were giving her a bad feeling ( this is bad ,they are in a bad mood ) Loki thought .Finally giving up to their nagging as the only quick solution for her was to check their stats . to her surprise both the amazons stats witnessed a step up , their stats that stood still for so many months only increasing slightly from time to time jumped with more than 50 in each .

Tiona and tione had their backs to Loki but when she started shouting they both turned to her . She was fuming and demanding an explanation . the sisters were going to tell the story to Finn and the others eventually but it wasn't a problem to tell their deity now however a slow nocking on the door interrupted the commotion and everyone's gaze returned to the door which opened with a click sound.

Aiz entered the room as she was looking for Riveria and didn't find her anywhere she decided to ask loki , but what she didn't expect was all the eyes in the room to return to her when she entered

She tilted her head questionably " have I interrupted something ?" she asked

Loki was the first to recover from her hysterical situation as she took a long breath to relax , now focusing on Aiz body , a specific area in Aiz body grew up noticeably in the last two years as she was maturing now into a fine woman , tione noticed this and sent a blow to the head of the drooling pervert diety who was giggling while lost in some fantasies .

" uhum , no !not at all Aiz tan! I was just checking these ungrateful amazons stats , they seem to have quiet an adventure to talk about , also there will be a gathering for the high level members of the familia today , there is something important we need to speak about" she explained while narrowing her eyes at the last part of her words , whatever happened , it was probably an emergency .

The mood in the room was silent , until the deity spoke again :" anyway ! Aiz-tan , what brought you here !" Loki asked cheerfully , seeing Aiz always brought her mood up .

" I was just looking for Riveria ,I needed her for something , I thought she would be here " Aiz asked in with a passive face

" oh I sent her to the guild earlier , she will be here by dinner !is there anything else you want to ask about ?" Loki replied

" No , nothing , I ll excuse myself now " Aiz said while turning her face leaving the room

"Aiz-tan ! wait , how about you stay a little longer with us , these two here have something to explain , it might be useful " loki shouted tryng her best to have some good time with Aiz since the latter was always busy and hard to see except for dinner and status check up , Loki thought it would be a nice opportunity to get closer to Aiz and whatever was in her mind , lost in weird giggling gain with everyone's gaze on her made Aiz leave the room silently before anyone notice while Loki took another blow on her head from both sisters this time

"Ai ,! What was that for !"she barked

" you seem to miss the point here , if you don't want to hear what we have then we will live , Aiz already sneaked away " Tiona said in annoyed tone

Loki sighed , fixed her posture on the couch now facing the two amazons and asked" so ,tell me what happened"

After half an hour ,the discussion was over while loki was holding a whole bottle of bear , other bottles were seen empty on the table ¸the story was quiet interesting that the deity emptied several bottles of wine " ahhh "she sighed after finishing another bottle and putting it on the table

"So that's why huh !" with an understanding expression , loki returned her gaze to the window behind her , it was already night with a crescent moon luminating the sky above Orario , many thoughts run through the deity's mind , ( the monsters behavior , the weird changes in the deeper floors , and now a mysterious guy with a strength of a level 7 adventurer .Many questions popped on her head , yet nothing came out , ( I could only assume that this guy is like that plant monster Aiz and the others fought before , it was good she left , otherwise she would have the same assumption and be running in the dungeon already) Loki was lost in thoughts , however a detail came to her mind as she run back the words the amazons said {:" we stumped upon him while we were looking for a hot spring to bath in , he was in a pool with a mermaid , and she seemed like one of those xenos " }

with sudden rush of realization , loki turned her head , "tell me what did he looked like again ? " she asked while slamming both hands on the table

Tiona almost jumped back , " he had a white long hair , he was covering his eyes so we couldn't see much of his face ,but it obviously didn't affected his vision , his body was well built ,almost the same hight as Bet , and his armor , yes his armor and cloak looked really expensive " tione explained as she tried to remember as much as she could

" Tiona , do you remember anything else " she turned to her sister

" hmmm , hmmmmm ,ah I remembered ¸his black cloak had an interesting symbol on it , it kinda looked cool for me " Tiona said

Loki brought a piece of paper on the table and opened it ,an identical symbol of the one tiona had in mind was drawn on it

"YES ! that's the one !" tiona shouted

" mind telling us what this is all about Loki ?" a sudden voice interrupted everyone thoughts as they returned to the source , Finn was on the side of the couch sitting calmly with his hands resting on the sides , no one knew how long he was there ,yet his eyes were fixed on the piece of paper

Loki gulped in fear " FINN! How many times I told you not to do this !" she barked loud enough for the whole mansion to hear 

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