Got that ?

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Strawberry's POV:

After finishing my coffee I was thinking about taking Cherry's laptop for a bit. Not to snoop around of course! It sounds childish but Cherry is the kind of girl that'll just be kind otherwise, whether I peek at it or not. I just want to know what she was writing...maybe I'll see it. I know she doesn't want me to see until she's done with the song, but oh well, curiosity killed the cat.

Cherry turned in for the night and headed to her room that was underneath my room. The Strawberry Cafe has three floors. So when Cherry left I noticed she left without her laptop. Now was my chance.. I got the laptop and ran to my room. Pupcake and Custard followed me to the third floor. I sat down on my bed, satisfied. I don't want to hurt Cherry, I just want to know what the song is about... I open her laptop and it's left on a Word document. I read the title, Diamonds Are Red. Is that about me? Guilt came over me as I closed the laptop.

I didn't want drama with Cherry, if I'm being honest I genuinely love her. So I wouldn't want to hurt her in any way. I walked back out of my room and checked Cherry's. There she was, fast asleep. I smiled weakly and walked to return the laptop to where it was before. But I didn't get there because I heard Cherry's voice. It scared me so much I almost ran away. But I then realized she's only sleep singing Dance Puppy Dance. How ironic, since it was a song she practically hated.

I smiled again at her adorableness and walked back to the kitchen but there was one problem, I forgot to log out and I turned to leave the laptop. I knew Cherry's password and username but she doesn't know I do. To make it worse I froze when I heard footsteps of Cherry Jam, she woke up with all the noise I'd made..

Cherry suspiciously glared at me. "Did you Look in my laptop?"

I shook my head and nervously laughed. "Of course not, silly! Why would I?"

"I think you did." Cherry crossed her arms, her pouting looked so cute!

I know I should tell the truth... But it wouldn't come out. "Of course not! Cherry, don't worry!"

Cherry was still glaring at me but she nodded. "Right... if I see you on my laptop again you are as good as dead." She said. I gulped as she threateningly poked my chest. Apparently she knew I knew her password, oh lord...

Strawberry shortcake: Everything is possibly ( Cherry x Strawberry)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora