My heart is yours

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"Hey, Hyegi?" Her eyes were slowly opening when she saw Solar in front of her looking worriedly.

"U-nnie?" Solar immediately touched her face.

"Yes, Hyegi gwaen-cha-na? What are you feeling?" She smiles at her, making sure she's okay.

"I'm okay, unnie, don't worry, I'm still alive." She immediately gets a pinch from her sister.

"Yah unnie. I'm joking, I feel better." She smiles widely, which makes her sister hug her tightly.

"Don't do that again, okay? You scare me." s
She laughs a little.

"You love me now, ha unnie?" She teased her sister.

"Yah, I always love you." She smiles, knowing she has the best sister in the world, making her feel happier.

At that time, the doctor went in to check on her. She's been in the hospital for months now. She lied to her sister when she said she was okay because she didn't want to make her sad and worried. She knows her condition is not getting better, it's only getting worse day by day, like earlier when she fainted.

She sighed and smiles a bit when the doctor said she will be okay. She knows she's lying too cause she's a doctor she tends to lie sometimes.

She just looks at them. The doctor was talking to her sister she smiles when her sister look at her. She always wants to show that she's okay.


In the evening, her sister went back to their house to get some clothes and buy some food, so she decided to take a walk in the meantime.

She went to the rooftop because she thought no one was there, but when she arrived, she saw someone standing from afar. She tries to walk silently towards her, avoiding making any noise that could distract her.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" The girl was surprised to see her beside her.

"Oh hey, yes you can." It's a long silence before she finally speaks.

"Um, I guess you're sick too, am I right?" The girl looks at her for a second.

"Yeah, I have heart problems, so I have to stay here. What about you? "

"I-I have cancer," she whispered, but loud enough to hear.

The girl looks at her, feeling sorry. "I am sorry I didn't know."

"No, it's okay, we just like... I'm Hyejin. Who are you?" She offers her hands.

"I'm Wheein." She took her hand and they began to shake hands.

"Nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends."

The girl smiles too, "Of course, we can... We're friends now."

They were looking at the sky when a familiar voice called her.

"Hyejinah!" She looks at her sister, who's chasing her breath.

"Unnie?" She looks at her confusedly.

"Yah, why do you leave your room? I look for you everywhere. You make me worried." She shows an apologetic face.

"I'm sorry, Unnie. I just walked for a second and I saw her, so I decided to stay for a couple of minutes. I didn't think you were back."

"It's okay, let's go. You need to take your meds." She went towards her sister, but before she leaves, she glances at Wheein for a moment. She was looking at her.

"Okay, I hope we will see each other again Whee, so make sure to fight your illness. You promise?" She shows her pinky finger in the air at the same time that Wheein also shows her pinky finger as proof that she promised.

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