*##shattered into pieces ##*

Comenzar desde el principio

Jungkook and Hoseok didn’t take this as a threat so they didn’t bring much of their man. Jungkook left more of their man at the mansion coz he wanted to protect his precious love who’d be turning 18 that day but unfortunately he didn’t got the chance to see him this morning and he was missing him so much that he just want to finish here and go back to his love for a much possibility to found mate .

They started to go deeper in the place . It was dark everywhere which was their favourite . Now it's the last entrance to middle big hall of this abandon hostel building spread across almost one kilometre .

Hoseok signals Jungkook to stop he saw two figures from that afar .

“ Oh so they really don’t mind to get caught today !” Jungkook eyed the two figure only spot one familiar . 

“ Yoongi” he mutters under his breath . 

“ huh ?” 

“ It's yoongi ... I told you the boy who comes and meets jimin when i was in the senior year .”

“ I know him.” Jungkook looked at him raising an eyebrow .

  “ I seriously know him!” hoseok conforms . “ He's a little thief ; he himself told me . ........But I guess I believed him much easily , where I should not . Then hes not just a little thief .” 

“He must be one of them , either the right hand or .....”

“ He can't be tiny ....” 

“ oh you know him better ?” 

“ They say tiny was never presented . And if  we’ve both mat him already he can't be tiny .” 

“ It's possibly the other one hyung . I want to see his face . I'm curious how’d he look !”

“ Hey ! what are you doing ?” 

“ I'm sanding this machine so that we can hear their voices !” 

“ hmm .. okey .”

“Take this !” he handed Jungkook a Bluetooth . 

*     hyung ...*     the other one whins ...   

-'Wait it sounds familiar .... why does it sounds like .......'-

*Hmmm... *     the other one hummes .

For some seconds no sound comes ...

“ hey is it not working ?..”  

“ no they just stopped talking .!..”


*"I found my soulmates .” *

There's a moment of silence ...

* “ who are they ?” *

* " Taehyung and Jungkook !” *

... that moment as if their whole world had crushed ... then only he noticed the faint small of an omega ... a very known smell . 

“ He knows .. he knew every thing ...” Jungkook's anger roze up.

"calm down Jungkook !”

"  hyung how can he ?” Jungkook said in disbelief

"  just wait a few minutes . ... "

*“ so that's why you wanted that change in plan ...”*

*  “ yes hyung .” *

*“ it's the last chance Jimin ... but at last I cant do anything .. you're the one who has to choose ...”*

" what are they talking about ?”

* “ but hyung !”*

  “ I can't wait anymore hyung .” Jungkook was boiling in anger his wolf was trying to tae over . Just as he was about to come on view _ 

*" Now you have to choose if you want to stay or come with me. And know if you haven't already found your mates you're ready to come with me. "*

Jungkook growled at that and Hoseok also didn't stopped him.


Jimin was looking at the sealing thinking about his days, how his life totally changed. He unknowingly smiled thinking of situation and Taehyung's behaviour a few hours ago.

His thoughts were simply disturbed by someone entering the room cracking the door open.

He moved his head to the side and immediately sits back seeing Taehyung entering the room.

" Come to my office! Now. " Saying that Taehyung left a speechless Jimin behind how hurriedly followed not wanting to anger him, in case if may.

Taehyung's behaviour earlier made him think he'll not burk Or punish him like Jungkook, so he was comfortable being beside him.

He went to opposite corner from the door and kneeled there waiting for any command from his master if anything comes.

" Come here . " His voice was firm.

Jimin stood from his place but..

" Crawl " His growl made him kneel again immediately.

He crawl to his master seating silently on the cold floor.

" Sit under the table, " He paused " So you can make my cock warm in your mouth ! "

Hearing that from Taehyung's mouth Jimin's eyes widen. His heart shattered into pieces.


next chapter includs smut

Swallow - Riven By His Hands. [ VMINKOOK ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora