
Heads up but the steak here is delicious as hell!

"Do you like it?" Taehyung asked me from next to him and I nod, staring at his food with stars in my eyes "what about you? do you like what you're eating"

"Yeah, wanna take a bite?"


And before I could even do anything else he slices a decent amount of meat in his fork and nears it in my mouth "here" he said, obviously trying to feed me

"That's embarrassing" I laughed when he tried to shove it in my mouth "it is if you think of it that way now eat" I touch his hand which was holding the fork and bite the chunk of meat and chew on it

Damn, I think this restaurant is home

"So, um" he cleared his throat "I never knew you had a brother. How old is he?" he brings up all of a sudden

"Sixteen, why?"

"How many siblings do you have?" he asked about my family once again, why is he interested? "I have another one but he's at home, Niki is my half brother and the other one is adopted"

"Does Jungkook know about this?" he said softly and I nod "of course, he's my boyfriend"

"Did you introduce him to your family? do they like him" he continues on digging up information "yes, he's very loved" that bitch knows his way to sugarcoat my dad and this witch I call my step mother

"Oh, do you think your brother will like me?" he suddenly asked and blushed right after. He lets go of his fork and covers his eyes "ah, sorry for that.."

"Niki doesn't hate you what are you talking about"

"I get a feeling he doesn't like me either" he rubs the side of his neck and I laugh "trust me he doesn't think ill of you, he's just anti-social that's all"

Forgive me my dear brother for describing your true nature

"Really? then can the three of us go out tomorrow?" I almost choked on my meat from what he shamelessly said, I look at him with wide eyes "pardon?"

"I just want to get close with him hehe" he smiled apologetically "you don't want to?"

"I don't mind" I replied causing his eyes to sparkle "thank you so much! I won't let you down tomorrow!"

He looks happy with it I wonder what he's planning


I opened the door and froze on my spot when I saw Niki and Jungkook sitting on the couch while watching the TV. I flinched when he turned his head towards me



"Ugh, took you long enough now where's the face mask I asked you to buy me?" Niki said raising his voice at me and I was confused "what.."

He bawled his eyes and lip points to Jungkook, I laughed "I couldn't find the brand that you wanted, I searched everywhere" he grunts loudly and slumps back on the couch

"Took you a while" Jungkook stands up and walks towards me, he kissed my cheek "you're looking pretty today" he touched the hem of my dress

Until | TaetzuМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя