Chapter 9 - Shovel or a Rope?

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Lillith woke up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. She heard a voice in her sleep. Her heart was beating so loud it disrupted her slumber and she looked around the dark with wide eyes, unable to shake off the feeling of being watched. She searched the room for a familiar figure, but to her further distress, Thomas was still nowhere to be seen.

At first, she thought it were the menacing whispers, that invaded her mind, however the longer she listened, the more familiar it sounded. She concentrated on the tune of the voice, the depth of it, listening intently, but it was more of an echo, blurred and unclear messages send from the darkest corners of the academy.

Lillith instinctively stepped out of her bed, curiosity dragging her up despite her exhaustion. She did not care whether she ran straight into a trap.


She was tired of the constant questions, and she decided to seek the answers herself.

The witch pushed open the door, following the sound of a wicked soul, a taste of the forbidden paradise, blindly chasing the possibility of discovery. She needed to know who was the one calling her.

The open corridors send shivers to her skin as she walked across the empty school, the bloodthirsty eyes watching her every move. Lillith was never afraid of the dark, but only a fool wouldn't had felt endangered in the open air when the moon shone above. You never knew what was watching in the forest, hidden in the pitch-black dark. The creatures patiently waited until she let her eyes wonder, until she took a single, innocent look outside...It was all they needed for an invitation.

However, Lillith knew better. The heiress kept looking straight ahead, fighting the urge to glance. She could feel the shadows crawling behind her, but never turned around.


She needed to know...

The voice turned louder with each step as her feet carried her down a long spiral staircase, the air turning colder with her arrival to the underground. The dungeons creeped into her sight, swallowed in pitch black dark, with only a single torch lit aflame at the very bottom of the flight of stairs.

Lillith hesitated weather to continue. She stopped on the very last step, her shallow breath turning into white air.

Come to me.

Shivers crawled through her skin, and she mindlessly stepped forward, as if enchanted, following the voice. She came by multiple doors, yet only one of them made her stop by.

The surface of the door was wet, droplets of water sliding down the old wood. The floor was slippery, stones coated with a viscous substance of moss and rain.

Lillith placed her ear on the surface of the door, listening intently.

Her eyes narrowed at the sudden silence, and she jumped back as the door creaked open, startled, feeling her heart drum in her fingertips. Despite her common sense, she once again, succumbed to the charm of the unknown and peeked inside, frowning at the single outline of a figure in the middle.

"You really like to take your time, do you not?"

The door slammed shut behind her with a blow and Lillith flinched, looking between the door and the wizard.

So, it wasn't the voices.

It was the snake in disguise for a fallen angel who disrupted her fragile mind.


"I told you to stop messing with my head," she hissed, pointing an accusing finger towards him.

Only seven candles illuminated his figure and he glanced at her across his shoulder, boredom lacing his features at her outburst.

"I will do as I please."

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