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*Brooklyn's pov*

I hear my name and auntie McGonagle opens the doors I start walking to the front of the massive room I hear whispers the whole time I put my hands into fists and walk up to professor Dumbledore and sit on the chair to be sorted

"hmmm you are kind like Sirius smart like Marlene a scence of mischief like James and youre determined like Lilly but you are brave like your father and like your mother you would do anything to save the people close to you but where to put you" the sorting hat says out loud

"better be...SLYTHERIN" the sorting hat yells the Slytherin table stands up and cheers I look at my dad and he nods so I stand up and walk to the table of cheering children when I see a boy looking at me confused I go to walk past and he stops me

"why did the sorting hat say you where like my parents" he says I just look at him confused

"that would mean you are Regulus I'm Brooklyn but you can call me brook" I say putting out my left hand he takes my hand and I get a vision

*in the vision*

I'm standing outside a large door and I hear people talking I look through a crack in the door and see a table full of people

"you will be a good candidate we haven't had a black since belatrix" I hear a voice that I recognise to be Voldemort

"it would be my plesure to serve you my lord" I hear Regulus say

"looks like we have someone watching us kill her Regulus" Voldemort's voice says

when I am suddenly pulled out of my vision and I fall back and everything goes black I wake up a few minutes late and hear my dad talking to my mum

"we should have kept her in home school" my mum says

"why isn't she awake yet" I hear the worry in my dads voice

"im going to take her home its to dangerous here" my mum says I hear her foot step's grow more faint and then hear a large door shut

"dad in sorry" I say in his mind

he looks up at me and I smile and open my eyes

"B you had me worried sick" he says grabbing a hold of my hand

"is Regulus ok" I say sitting up quickly

"I see why the sorting hat thinks your like your mum" he chuckles "yes he is ok"

"come on we are late to class" I say getting out of the bed

"Dumbledore is going to get one of the Slytherins to show you around" he says standing up and giving me a hug

"I love you dad" I say smiling

"I love you to kiddo" he replies back with the same smile he hands me my robes and my wand and i take them he walks out and i get changed, a few minutes later a girl with dark hair wrapped around her wand walks up to me and smiles

"pansy Parkinson nice to meet you" she says with a wide smile

" I'm brook and the plesure is mine" i say smiling she then took me on a tour of the school

"and this is the slytherin common room"she says turning to a large painting of who i knew to be salazar slytherin "Pureblood" she says loudly the painting then opens wait what im frozen my train of thoughts get stopped by pansy talking to me

"are you comming"she says giving me a sideways look

"sorry im just not used to magic yet" i explain

"oh i get it i still get scared when paintings but into your conversations" she starts till she gets interupted

"ok we get it you grew up in non magic households" a voice says from behind me causing me to turn around so fast that i nearly get whiplash

"Draco" pansy says crossing her arms at a tall blonde boy around our age

"not just him hurry up"a tallish boy with brown hair says pushing past us

"dont let salazar hit you on the way in"another boy says following him

"ooo your really pretty"a girl a little taller than me says

"thanks you to" i say smileing

"ok your both hot hurry up" a boy with dark hair says

Then another girl walks through
"I love your hair"she says and walks off before I can say anything

"come on"pansy says grabbing my arm and pulling me into a dark room with green led lights and black curtains my eyes take a second to ajust to the drastic change of lighting and i see pansy sit on a boy with dark skins lap and see the girl that called me pretty sit down next to them and pretend to gag

"oh shit brook this is enzo astoria blaise draco mattheo tom theredore remus hope and theo" she says pointing to the differant people in the room

"we are the emerald gang and you are to" theo adds on

*hello sexy beans its the second chapter i made regulus the same age as the rest of the people in the year and i put hope from originals in the story so i hope its ok anyways see you in the next part Athena out*

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