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Kazutora shaked his head,"Not really. It was for you."
Chifuyu handed him the letter and lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling he said, "Nah read it. I insist"

Kazutora didn't wanted to read but he did anyway,
Dear Chifuyu.
Still crying huh? I thought you were better than my mom lol. I wish I could pinch your cheeks now but I'm already dead. Thanks for telling me about auto correct lol or my mom was going to beat my teachers after reading my letter. ..
Chifuyu sorry about beating you that day on Valhalla's ground. I wanted to apologize earlier. I really messed up your handsome face it's ok if you blame me for not getting a girlfriend in future. Also move on bro I'm not gay I am gonna marry you. Jokes aside, Takemichi is good boy. Stay with that brat and help him. Also don't try to kill or blame kazutora. It was my decision for whatever I'm about to do now. Take care of yourself and buy me a peyoung yakisoba every year. We will split it. I'm leaving toman, Mikey and Mom on your hands. Thanks for being the best ever friend I could ask for. After those brats from toman you were the only friend I could count on. Don't you dare laugh at my feelings lol. Also don't burn your test Papers after failing and study for real. Love you Chifuyu (no homo).

Baji San

Kazutora could see tear stains on the letter. Baji probably crier writing it. Chifuyu closed his eyes, "I met him in the junior high. We became friends quickly. I joined toman for him. Toman was his life . Now both toman and he is gone".

Kazutora looked at Chifuyu next to him and asked ,"what happened to toman?"Chifuyu got up and told him about Emma's death , Izana's death and Mikey's last decision.

Kazutora felt guilty since he knew Baji wouldn't allow Emma to die if he was alive. He felt sad for his friend Mikey who lost everything. After finishing dinner kazutora slept next to chifuyu on the bed.

It was 3:00AM when Kazutora heard whimpers. He looked at the boy next to him crying in his sleep saying Baji's name. Kazutora hugged him lightly and pat his back. Chifuyu hugged him tightly and buried his face in Kazutora's chest. Kazutora sighed and didn't bother pushing chifuyu.

In the morning
Chifuyu opened his eyes and saw Kazutora's chest. He immediately backed away in the corner of bed to see Kazutora sleeping like a baby. He blushed and got out of the bed went to washroom to brush and take a bath.

A few minutes later Baji's mom entered the room and woke kazutora up ,"Kazutora. Wake up it's time for breakfast". Kazutora woke up with messy hair and nodded to Baji's mom. Baji's mom handed him some clothes, "These are Baji's clothes. I didn't know your size so I couldn't buy your clothes. Wear these for now. I hope they will fit you." Kazutora nodded and Baji's mom left.

After taking a bath and wearing his clothes he went to the dining room, ate breakfast. Then Baji's mom handed him a card and asked Chifuyu to take kazutora shopping. Kazutora wanted to refuse but Baji's mom did let him. Chifuyu took Baji to the mall and brought some shirts,pants, hoodies.

They were on the underwear section when Kazutora said,"I can buy it myself...". Chifuyu was dumbfounded to see Kazutora embarrassed. He didn't said anything and left the section. Chifuyu leaned on a wall saying,"We are both guys. What's with him being shy lol. What the hell did those guys do to him in Juvia?"

Kazutora brought his stuff and got out of the section to meet Chifuyu. They went home and handed the card to Baji's mom. Baji's mom smilingly said ,"keep it. If you need something to buy use it. "

Kazutora sighed and nodded. "Kazutora you will go to the school from next week." Baji's mom said peeling peaches. Kazutora looked a bit shocked and sad. "You can have fun these days but you must go to the school from next week." Baji's mom said handing him a plate filled with peaches.

Kazutora didn't wanted to go the school as he was no better than Baji in academic terms. Chifuyu looked at his pouting face and tried to hold back his laughter.

In the night they slept together again and this time chifuyu put a pillow between them. But in the late night Chifuyu kicked the pillow himself and hugged Kazutora. Kazutora hugged him back.

In the morning Chifuyu saw Kazutora's chest once again and felt the deja Vu. He got out of the bed in rush before Kazutora woke up. After eating breakfast Kazutora asked Chifuyu to take him to Mikey's house.

Chifuyu didn't wanted buy gave up after seeing teary eyed kazutora.

In Mikey's house:

Kazutora took a deep breath before entering the dojo. His heart beat was getting faster with each step he took towards Mikey's living room. Chifuyu grabbed his tightly to assure him everything will be fine. They were waiting for 14 minutes.

Mikey and Draken entered the room and saw Chifuyu and Kazutora sitting on the sofa. Mikey looked at Kazutora's face and he felt as if Baji was here. Kazutora let his hair grow after Baji's death.

"Yo!" Draken said to the nervous boy. Kazutora looked at his feet saying," hey ...!" Mikey angrily said, "Why are you here??" Kazutora felt a cold shiver down his spine.

"Why didn't you bring dorayaki!!?" Mikey pouted sitting on the other side of sofa. Kazutora looked at childish Mikey and Draken. It was just like the old times. When he Baji visited without dorayaki and Mikey started trowing tantrums.

Draken sighed and sat next to Mikey askiny ,"how have you been?".

Kazutora: " fine..."
Mikey: "..."
Draken: "I thought you were going to avoid us. I'm glad you didn't"

Kazutora: "I..I wasn't gonna..."
Draken: "hm.."

Kazutora handed Draken a letter.

Kazutora: "Mom.. Baji's mom asked me to give you this, Mikey..."
Mikey: "Who send it?"
Kazutora: "Baji"

Room was filled with silence. Mikey took the letter and opened it. After a few minutes he laughed. As Draken, Kazutora and Chifuyu looked at him.

Mikey: "Thanks kazutora"
Kazutora: "....."
Mikey: "...."
Draken: "...."
Kazutora: "Mikey... I'm so.."
Mikey: "Don't bother"
Kazutora looked at him with teary eyes.
Mikey: "It was really my fault. If I knew about your situation earlier these things wouldn't happen"
Kazutora:"no it's not your fault"

Mikey: "Oh.. Anyway lots of things happened. I don't wanna talk about past now. I can't forgive you. But I will try to talk like before. If anything you are still one of my precious friends"

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