From Mad to Grad

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So we decided to have fun outside the pool

So we decided to have fun outside the pool

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"Okay I'm getting in the pool soon." So while we have fun and drink

"Is your girlfriend okay?"

"Yeah she is."

"Is she stressed out?"


"Why? Just being away from you?"

"Yes, I mean, she got, like, separation anxiety."

"My dog got the same thing. My shin tzu, she the same way."

"Yeah." Jeremiah cooking on the grill

"Those burgers smell good."

"Hey roll them hot dogs over."

"Will you shut up?" I help out Kortini seeting things up

"Food ready guys!"

"Thanks Jeremiah."

"No worries." We all sit down I sit in between Jeremiah and Gus

"Can someone get me a hot dog bun?"

"Can you stop bitching already?"

"This is our first family dinner together. This is so great."

"Jeremiah, would you like to bless the food."

"Kortini can she does good prayers."

"Kortini, let's go." We all hold hands and say prayers

"I always forgot the good meat good. I can't i..till this day I still can't say it."

"So we need to figure out the room situation I mean beside Bell who took the one bed room over at the corner of the house."

"We need to talk about it."

"Though we already figured that out.'

"Hell no."

"How about we just put all our name in a hat and fuck just draw it out."

"I'm about to be a spoiled-ass brat. My stuff already unpacked. Aimee stuffs already unpacked."

"But last time, you guys got to share a bedroom to yourselves." I said honestly

"Listen, here's the deal, somebody's going to have to move their shit, yall come in there and be like, "oh this is our room. Nope me and Aimee we got this, we got all of this. We gotta figure it out, and now we gotta deal with it."

"I don't care. I'm not moving my stuff"

"You're just not being understanding at all."

"Here the thing codi, everybody, I hate to bring this back up, but because of the hurricane hitting, I appreciate when I have somewhere, my own space."

A Bell Summers (Floribama Shore)Where stories live. Discover now