Chapter 16: Zone 2 Part 3

Start from the beginning

Having broken off some of the handle with that swing, Mason turned to see a black Mirelurk trying to attack Heather from behind. Gritting his teeth, Mason gripped what was left, bringing his arm back. Yelling, Mason threw the hammer, sending it straight for the creature. Hitting the creature in the face, it fell back, Mason seething with anger.

"Need a shovel for your corpse," Mason growled, running to grab the hammer. Grabbing the handle, the creature got up, snapping its claws to get Mason. Leaning back as it swung, Mason swung the hammer into the creature's face, pushing it back into the wall. Screeching, it tried to charge forward as he swung the hammer, keeping it in place. Letting the body fall, red smoke coming from its body, Mason noticed it was more of a dark gray instead of black like he had believed. Dropping the hammer, Mason turned to Heather, noticing pieces of Power Armor had fallen off.

"You alright?" Mason questioned, putting the broken metal into a bag. Was going to have to use it to repair the armor.

"I'm good," she responded, the corpse in front of her sliding down the ramp.

Grinning, Mason patted the top of her head before they started searching through the place.


Leaving the place, Mason was glad with their haul this time around. They'd collected more than enough meat from the creatures, putting it in a cooler that they strapped to Curie. Not only that, they'd found a magazine, though it was for a tattoo.

"Pretty good haul," Mason remarked as they walked. "Unfortunate about the magazine."

"They're rare. Probably has some use," Heather remarked, making Mason grin.

"I guess. Radioactive skull tattoo. Useful," Mason remarked. "Training yard, not too far from here. Don't know what's there. But there's likely a cache of supplies there. Something good."

"The training yard? It's infested with ferals. Should be easy pickings."

"Alright. Go for the legs," Mason ordered, turning to Curie. "Only shoot if we need support. Don't engage otherwise."

"Is now a good time," Curie asked, surprising Mason. He hadn't realized she'd been trying to say something before.

"Later. Need to get back on the road. Limited daylight, hopefully we can find a place to rest."

Turning to Dogmeat, Mason pet the side of his head, letting him know it was time to go. Turning on the radio, they began following the road, looking for a place to rest.

Seeing a farm, Mason approached the people in the field, walking up to the man who stood as he approached them, noticing him using a crutch to stand.

"We could use your help," the man said, drawing closer to Mason. Looking down, Mason realized the man was missing a foot, wondering why he was out here.

"What's the problem?"

"Got a nest of nasty bugs in an old boathouse. We'll have a real problem if they don't get cleaned out. I know some people that'd love to set up there. If you can make sure the old workshop is still working, rebuilding would be easier.

"What's the name," Mason questioned, knowing he had cleared the place already.

"Taffington Boathouse. Hard to miss."

Putting the name into his Pip-Boy, Mason turned to the man. "Already cleared it. It's safe for them to move in." Writing a note onto a piece of paper real quick, Mason handed it to the man, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Give this to your friend. There's a place to the north, Tenpines Bluff. A woman named Katherine will know what to do with it.

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