Dorm Room Competition Part1(13)

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Is what he said, but in reality, he was not fine at all. No, Dabi is quite nervous, suspicious, worried, he could go on. Yes, he knows that this would seem weird because he acts like he doesn't care about anything, but that's partly to cover his social awkwardness/anxiety. Which is exactly what he's trying to do right now as he sort of just stands awkwardly by the couch while Mina gives everyone a quick recap about her dorm room competition idea. Why did he agree to this?

And now they are moving. They were going to start on the second floor and make their way up. They pack as many of themselves as they could on the elevator while the rest of them go up the stairs. He eagerly opts for the stairs. To say the least, he doesn't really like the thought of waiting in a crowded elevator with a bunch of hero kids.

"I vote Midoriya's is first!" One of the girls shouts already racing down the hall.

"W-wait no!" The greenette squeaks out.

They ended up barging into Midoriya's-or should he say, All Might Jr's room.  It is covered in All Might posters, furniture, and figurines; there isn't anything that wasn't All Might, even the pencils.  -Wait...could it be... secret love child?! Hold up... this level of fanboying is beyond intense for All Might to be the father... but what if it's a ploy? ...All Might doesn't seem intelligent enough for that... however, it could be the kid's idea... does Shoto know about this? This changes everything, more evidence must be gathered. Right now the boy seems downright embarrassed in this situation, further examination is needed...

Soon, they all gather outside of Tokoyami's dorm, who is leaning against the door, trying to prevent Mina from getting in. However, the pink girl has other plans, and after many attempts, manages to push Tokoyami away, gaining access. Immediately, she shoves the door open to reveal... how would he put this? If someone took all the emo that ever was and shoved it in a room- that's this. The whole room is either black or very dark purple with various objects that matched the whole vibe the room was giving off and... is that a sword? Killer, he thinks smirking. Not gonna lie, he's kinda digging this room. If, it ever came down to it, Tokoyami wouldn't be the worst person to hang out with.

And... now everything is bright and sparkling; it irritates his eyes and makes him want to burn something, like that disco ball. Aoyama's room is basically the sum of every definition of every word that has anything to do with bright. 

"Isn't it wonderful," Aoyama dramatically sighs, before turning his head to smile at -wait. Who or what is he looking at, Dabi thought, moving his head to get a better look at his face. There's literally nothing he could be looking at. The fuck?! Why is no one else the slightest bit bothered, is he the only one seeing this? ...Okayyyy. Another thing to note is the various photos of- cheese, framed might he add. 

He feels a hundred times safer now that they're moving on and out of that room.

"COmE oN iN, dOn'T bE sHy," Mineta beckons from his room. Never mind, he'd take a lifetime of sparkles over -that. Thank goodness everyone else is also adamant about not going in there; he really doesn't need to be scarred for life- again.

And just like that, they were done with the second floor, one down three to go. He really thought they would have put more people on the second floor since it's technically first in terms of dorms. It just kind of makes a bit more sense. Now to tackle floor three. To the stairs, let's go.

He bounds gracefully up once again landing silently at the very top step. He leans against the wall, eyes directed lazily towards the stairs waiting for the others to join him. A few of the energetic ones arrive at the top not too long after he had.

The pink girl stumbles up the last steps almost falling forward making Dabi inclined to take a step away for comfort. "How- how do you- you run up those so- fast?" Mina pants trying to catch her breath.

"Y-yeah man- we were trying to keep up." Kaminari adds hunched over on his knees, "how are- you not even out- of breath!"

His eyes widen a bit in surprise that they actually casually talked to him, willfully; it was like they didn't even care or notice he was a villain. A faint feeling blooms in his chest for a second, he isn't quite sure what it is. It didn't feel horrible- in fact, it felt, more of the opposite and almost...vaguely familiar. What could have possibly caused this to poke out of the hidden depths of his soul? 

He snaps back to reality a second later; they were staring at him expectantly. Oh- they're expecting an answer, he thought.

He composes himself, "practice," he answers looking just to the right of them. Then he adds, "you should swing your arms at the shoulder in a wider forward-back range of motion. It's more efficient, reducing the amount of energy you use, and it makes you faster."

Mina looks at him questioningly, "Huh, are you sure? It seems like that would take more effort."

He cocks his head to the side to peer at her, an eyebrow raised. "You asked, take it or leave it." She smiles a little sheepishly.

Kaminari on the other hand is amazed. "Woah, really dude? Thanks for the tip!"

He nods in response.  'Thanks''s been a really long time since anyone has thanked him; he can't clearly remember the last time it ever happened- it's hazy. Then he feels it again- that featherlight, warming feeling pokes through, forcing a confusing emotion down upon him that he can't quite place what it is, that he doesn't know what to do with. But only for a second did it creep out before dissipating. What could-... Then- as if a switch was flipped- it clicked. -no, it can't! He digs his fingernails into the base of his palm, the fabric of the gloves being the only thing preventing him from drawing blood. It couldn't be. Wanna be hero kids acting all kind and accepting can't have this effect on him. It's just- no. They just want him to let his guard down and take advantage when he's vulnerable. They don't care. He's just some experimental project for mess-up villains they're trying to fix to make the school look good. They wouldn't care...


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