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    It had been over 15 minutes with still no sign of their teacher. Everyone was thinking the worst, that much was evident by the worried looks on their faces.

Iida did his best to reassure the class, but even needing to be the level-headed one as he bore the responsibility of being the class rep, he couldn't stop the creeping feeling of panic start to set in. Aizawa was still missing, they had to take matters into their own hands.

"Please, listen up!" Iida shouted, trying to draw the class's attention to him, "as you all know, Aizawa Sensei is missing. It's been reported that he was last seen to be now 45 minutes ago. He may be just doing work, but we can't deny the fact that there's now a villain in the dorms or the fact, according to some of our classmates, that Aizawa has been focused on supervising some of us. We're guessing that he went to check up on Dabi. No one has seen him since then. Upon checking Dabi's dorm  neither he nor Aizawa were found."

They whispered amongst each other with ideas to what might have happened until Iida silenced them again, directing them to different locations as he spoke. "Splitting up into groups would be the most effective and safest way to search for our teacher. Each group will be assigned an area to scout and should elect one member to report their findings to the group chat. We should report our findings, and every 20 minutes do a headcount within your groups."

With that, they headed off in different directions with their respective groups. Iida had divided the class up into five teams, each having a least one somewhat responsible member that would hopefully be elected as a group leader.

Team One consisted of Iida, Aoyama, Shoji, and mineta. They searched around the school relying heavily on Shoji's quirk to locate their teacher, to no avail.

Team Two was Yoayorozu, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Midoriya. Momo made the group binoculars to use while searching the property around the school. Bakugo kept snapping at Midoriya to quit mumbling.

Team Three had Todoroki, Jirou, Kaminari, and Ashido who were searching the inside of Heights Alliance. Jirou used her quirk to listen through the walls, sifting through all the other random noises from the pipes, lights, and appliances inside the building. Kaminari kept making jokes to lighten the mood and was disappointed when he couldn't get Todoroki to laugh, but it seemed to lighten Mina's mood which made him happy that he could help his friend. Although Jirou kept teasing him, she still smiled at his attempts to be funny before shushing him, concentrating on her work.

Team Four contained Tsu, Tokoyami, Kouda, and Ojiro. They looked around the training grounds, and Kouda started communicating with any animal he could find to locate their teacher or the villain. To do that, he gave them a physical description of who they were looking for, but black hair and black clothes don't stand apart from the crowd. He did try his best to explain the scarring on the villain. The birds didn't quite understand though.

Team Five remained of Uraraka, Hakakure, Satou, and Sero. All that was left was the property outside of Heights Alliance. The yard was very beautiful with the flowers and trees planted in rows. It would be a great place to have a picnic sometime. It was too bad the weather was getting colder by each passing day, they'd have to have it soon- wait, now is not the time to think about that, Aizawa is still missing, Uraraka scolded herself. She tried using her quirk to lift her classmates into the air to see if they could spot anyone from up there.

< Class 1-A Group Chat

Iida: We are having no luck searching the school.

Yoayorozu: Have you tried asking the teachers if they have seen him?

Iida: That is a good idea Yoayorozu, but I've already tried that.

Tsu: I don't think anyone else is at the training area. Kouda got a bunch of animals to help us, but they haven't found anything. Do you think we can have the birds search the rest of the property since no one's here?

Iida: That should be fine.

Tsu: Thanks, kero.

Uraraka: Ummm... does anyone know how to get someone down from a tree, hypothetically speaking.

Iida: *sigh* Who is stuck in a tree?

Uraraka: No one! Oh- never mind, forget I said anything, and did you just sigh through the phone?

Iida: I don't see how that is relevant.

Yoayorozu: We may have found something!

Uraraka: ???

Yoayorozu: Nevermind, it was just a stray cat. Also, Bakugo is currently trying to kill Midoriya.

Iida: I take full responsibility for Bakugo's actions. I paired them together knowing their past experiences with each other, but I thought that the urgency of this situation would force them to work together, helping to resolve two problems.

Uraraka: It's okay, Iida! We all make mistakes.

Yoayorozu: From your perspective, I can see why you thought it was a good idea to pair them together.

Tsu: ^, kero.

Todoroki: Sorry to interrupt, but Jirou thinks she hears someone of the roof. Can Kouda confirm this?

Tsu: Kouda says that the birds told him a boy with spiky, black hair and purple skin is on the roof of the dorms.

Yoayorozu: Hold on, purple skin- scars perhaps?

Iida: I think so, too. If it is him, you have my permission to approach with caution. We must ensure that he does not escape. Everyone else should start heading towards the dormitories.

Tsu: Already inside, we started heading over when we discovered that the training grounds were empty. Good thing, too.

Yoayorozu: We're only a minute away. I didn't want to run the risk of someone getting hurt because we weren't there to prevent it.

Iida: OK, proceed with caution, group one will be there shortly.

Uraraka: We're not too far away, just give us a minute to figure out how to hypothetically get someone unstuck from tape in a tree. Haha...

Iida: Do I even want to know?

    Teams two, three, and four all gathered at the entrance to the roof with the powerhouses in the front. They didn't even know there was a way to get on the roof, Jirou had to find it for them.

"Is everyone ready?" Midoriya asked, determination written all over his face. Everyone nodded. Slowly turning the knob, he pushed open the door.

Dabi Villain RehabilitationWhere stories live. Discover now