~"Chapter 23"~

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Ryujin POV

im kinda feeling better now... i took my phone and decide to text her... 

              "Chaeryeongie <3"

         ...yesterday 11:09 am...

Chaer: ryuddaeng

Chaer: i miss talking

to you :<

 Chaer: i miss you... :<

Chaer: ryuddaeng??

Chaer: tell me what happend

Chaer: please tell me what's 


Chaer: stop ignoring me..!

 Chaer: ryujin.

Chaer: you're making me worry...

                    ....today 1:25 pm...

                             Ryu: Chaery?

Chaer: ryujin why are you 

using the phone??

Chaer: get rest!

                                  Ryu: im fine now

Chaer: still! you need

to rest

                                   Ryu: can you come


Chaer: and why?

                                      Ryu: so i can talk to 


Chaer: your sister

is there ryu


                                             Ryu: so i can rest..

Chaer: just lay down

                                            Ryu:  >:/

Chaer: what?

                                         Ryu: just come here please?

Chaer: ryu im with yeji


                                           Ryu: and?

                                         Ryu: fine, i miss you ok..

Chaer: but i just visit

you yesterday..

                                           Ryu: still! plus i want to

                                          talk about something

Chaer: oh ok..

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