~"Chapter 19"~

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~skips time~

"ryujin go on!" yeji said as she push ryujin out "chill unnie!" she said she inhale first and look around

"h-how do i look unnie?" ryujin ask and faced to the older "ryujin you look good because i pick that clothes!" yeji said "now go! good luck!" she added

ryujin gulped and called kim

"hello miss shin? why did you call?"

"uh.. umm are you sure i dont have a important meeting?" 

"um you're the one who cancel them miss shin"

"oh.. r-right um.. but are you s-sure?"

"yes i am sure miss.. but your dad calling you again miss"

"what? we already talked.."

"i know miss dont worry i told to your dad that you're busy for something but he will wait for you tho"

"ok thanks miss kim"

"no problem miss"

-end call-

"ryujin go on! you're making her wait!!" yeji shouted "i.. yeah!" ryujin said and started her car

when ryujin arrived

'ok heres go nothing..' she thinks then knocked

"hello- ryuddaeng!" chaeryeong said and hug the older "why did you took so long?" chaeryeong ask 

"i.. uh.. nervous i guess?" ryujin said and chuckled "you ask me out then your nervous?" chaeryeong teasingly ask

"s-shut up.." ryujin said "lets just go.." she added chaeryeong laugh and nodded

"so where do you want to go?" ryujin ask while driving " i dont know.. lets just go in some resturant?" chaeryeong said

"yeah sure.." ryujin said

-as soon they arrived-

"hello miss, may i know what would you guys take?" waiter ask "um.. maybe this and this" ryujin said as she point at the random dishes on the menu

"ok, how about you miss?" the waiter ask as he look at chaeryeong "i dont really know.. its seems all the dishes are good.." chaeryeong said 

"she will take this and two oranges juice please" ryujin said "ok thats all?"  the waiter ask once more

"yes thats all thank you.." ryujin said "wait for a min please" waiter said and leave

"just picking a food didnt need to take that long ryeongchae" ryujin said and glance at the younger who's staring at her

"but its all good.. its not my fault miss shin" chaeryeong said which made ryujin giggled

"any special happen while you're at work?" chaeryeong ask "nah nothing.. but after this want to talk to me.. again" ryujin said and sigh

"again? what do you mean?" chaeryeong says "ahh lets just not mind that" ryujin said chaeryeong just looked at her then sigh with a nod

 the waiter arrived and said "heres your food miss" while putting the food on their table "thank you"  ryujin and chaeryeong said at the same time they look at eachother and smile

"enjoy your food ladies" the waiter said and left 

while eating ryujins phone suddenly ring so she look at it

"who is it?" chaeryeong ask which made ryujin look at her "its yuna" ryujin said

"eh? you should answer it ryu" chaeryeong said as she take a bite on her food "no im sure its nothing serious" ryujin jokely said chaeryeong just smile and took a sip on her juice

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