~"chapter 1"~

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~flash back~

"princess if you turn 21 year's old you will became a CEO on our company" MR. Shin said 

"CEO?.." 6 year's old ryujin ask as she tilt her head a little her dad chuckled and said "yes CEO dear" 

"but why?" little ryujin ask "didnt you said you want to be a strong person like me?" MR. Shin ask ryujin nodded "thats why you will be a CEO when you get 21 you will be a strong person like me!" her dad said and smile 

"yay! i will be a strong person i can't wait!" ryujin said as she jump "mhm you are now lets eat" "nae~!"

~end of the flashback~

Ryujin's POV

'Its my 1 year here now..' i thought and sigh"miss Shin hello?" someone called me so i look up saw kim my assistant "uhh yes miss kim? Something's wrong?" i ask her "uh no nothing's wrong miss your one friend is here" she said with a smile so i nodded and ask where "she's outside miss i said to her that just come inside but she said that she will just wait you" "ok i will be there" i said then kim nodded she was about to leave when i ask her

"miss kim? Do i have a meeting today? Im kinda tired i want to rest today" i ask her "hm no miss Shin your schedule is empty so you can go home early today miss Shin" she said and leave i stood up and stretch for a second and fix my things

I sigh and left my office i bid kim a goodbye and saw the person who's waiting for me she smile at me so i smile back she hug me and ask "your free today ryuddaeng?" i nodded and her smile went wide oh god..

"lets hang out? Lets invite unnie's and yuna" she said "but ryeongie im tired" i said and sigh she pouts and said "aw.. Its been so long since we hang out ryuddaeng your always busy"  i look at her and held her hands "silly comeone invite the other's" i said to her

"but your tired" she said i chuckled and said "but i never said no lets go" i walk followed by her

~a min later~

"unnie's!!" someone called us so we look at the person and saw my sister yuna a wide smile on her lip's and run towards to us giving us a tight hug i let out a chuckled and saw yuna pouting so i ask her if something's wrong she just shake her head as a no and said "im glad your free today unnie its been so long since we hang out"

"were clearly living on the same house yuna-ya" i said "STILL!" she said me and chaeryeong just laugh then yuna join us "where's lia unnie and yeji unnie?" yuna ask "they're on the way actually there" chaeryeong said and point in the different direction me and yuna look in the direction where chaeryeong point we saw lia unnie and yeji unnie who's running toward to us

"my babies" lia unnie said as she hug me, yuna and chaeryeong "unnie were not a baby" yuna said "but for me you guys are" she said i just smile while chaeryeong chuckling

"yo been's so long huh?" yeji unnie said as she went toward to me and hug me "mhm its been so long and you're still a coward"i tease her "bitch your just like me" she strike back i glared at her and said "atleast didnt always hanging out with my crush duh" i said 

she slap my should which made me say 'ouch' and caught the other's attention "why what's wrong?" chaeryeong ask i smirk and said "Lia unnie yeji unnie slap me" and act like i was hurt "what its not that even hard ryujin-ah" yeji unnie said but then lia unnie slap her shoulder's hard and said "dont hurt my babie's hwang" "its not even that hard" yeji unnie said and start rubbing her shoulder's

 "still lets go" lia unnie said "comming mom" yuna said which made lia chuckled as the three went inside the cafe i notice chaeryeong dozing off so i ask her "is there something's wrong ryeongie?" she shake her head as a no and smile "no nothing's wrong ryujinie" she said

"you sure?" i ask again to make sure she just nodded and drag me inside the cafe i let it out sigh then when we arrived in our table we saw the other's chit chatting and smirk when they saw us 

Chaeryeong's POV

"did you guys get something?" i ask the other as we sit on the chair "no we didnt were actually waiting for you guys" lia unnie said "well sorry unnie's and yuna you can order now" Ryujin said earlier i got dozed off which made ryujin worried she ask me what's wrong so i said nothing...

Its just that she ignore me but its fine atleast me hangout with unnie's and yuna "ryeong what about your's?" yeji unnie ask me "what?" i ask then yeji unnie smile at me and said "im asking what should i get you y'know?" "silly unnie you clearly know what chaeryeong unnie want" yuna said 

"well maybe chaeryeong's mind change right? So?" yeji unnie said then look at me i chuckled and said "still the same unnie iced americano" "ok just wait here" yeji unnie said

"seriously what's wrong?" ryujin ask me who's sitting beside me"what do you mean?" i ask her "chaery-ah you dozed off earlier then you dozed off again what's wrong?" she ask me i glance at lia unnie and yuna who's worried too

I sigh and said "nothing's wrong really its just that i miss our hangout's like this" "you sure jagi?" lia unnie ask me yes lia unnie calling me jagi these month's well its fine since lia is like a older sister to me but everytime lia unnie called me that some memories coming back  


"jagi!~" someone hug me behind and saw a person who's shorter than me i smile but confused too i tilt my head a little and said "jagi?"

"yes jagi! i will call you from that now on!" the person said "but jinnie i have a name you know?" i chuckled "so? Its really cute plus mom and dad always calling eachother on that nickname" 'mom and dad' a blush creep on my cheek's but i sigh

"ryuddaeng do you even know what jagi mean?" i ask her 

Ryujin nodded at me and smile showing her whisker dimple's on her face "yes i know,, its mean 'darling'" she said "aish lets just go were gonna be late" i said as i try to remove her from me "ofcourse jagi~" she said... That made me really blush again

~end of the flashback~

-hey guys here's chapter 1 sorry if the grammar's is bad hehe anyways i'll try to update the chapter 2 keep safe mwahh <3

-and tell me what's wrong about my spelling 

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