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So I walked into my house yesterday and we have put island right in front of our door and there was a movie called Pendagon and no it is not on the books either series, and yes, there are two but they are completely different, I recommend the newer book. I'm getting off topic. So, at first I saw only the "Pe" part of "Pendragon" So of course my brain thought it was "Percy Jackson" and at that exact moment I thought "If that is a Percy Jackson movie I'm gunna break that disc" So conclusion, DONT GET ME THE PERCY JACKSON MOVIES OR I WILL SNAP THAT DISC, AND THEN SNAP YOUR NECK!!!

OK I just wanted to say that, oh and don't say ANYTHING about Perachel unless it is saying something on the lines of "perachel is Terrible!" or "IT IS THE FORBIDDEN OTP!YOU MUSENT SPEAK OF IT! " k? K. Cuz I have always shipped percabeth it was my first OTP. AND IF YOU EVEN START TALKIN SMACK ABOUT MY OTPs ILL DO MUCH MORE THAN JUST SMACK YOU!!

k, I'm good now. GOOD BYE MY LITTLE FIREBALLS! and butterflies! XD

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