I hate mondays

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I hate Monday's. They suck. And today was the worst Monday ever. This is what happened.


I hate my math teacher.

She gave me another writing assignments. Seriously, I would rather have a detention. Shet treats me like I'm five. But doesn't every one!

I'm really tired.

I'm sick

Some people in our class are picking on my sister. You can pick on me, I don't care what you say. But picking on my sister! THATS WHERE I DRAW THE LINE!

Ya, so my Monday sucked. I would rant about my math teacher, but that would involve a LOT of swears, and I try not to swear. Well I try not to swear in English, I some times swear in French but only when I'm REALLY mad.

I need a happy picture. Ssssssssooooooooo...... LLAMACORN!!!!!

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