also im rly v sorry abt the long wait!!! i kind of forgot abt this tbqh but im updating now!! btw if u like some ~~~muke~~~ in your life you might want to check out my muke airplane prompts ;)-nicole :*
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"Did Jen say why she needed me?" Michael asked Ashton, who was walking alongside him. Little did the red haired boy know, Clary was trailing behind them with a large banner with INTERVENTION written across it in bold scarlet paint.
Claryvette carefully folded the banner and tucked it inside her jacket, rushing in front of the two guys and into the other room. Ashton tried acting nonchalant, anxious Michael would find things slightly suspicious and ruin the plan, but Michael remained completely oblivious.
Knocking on the door, Ashton impatiently waited for one of the five to let them in. After what seemed like hours, Jen opened the door, quite flustered.
"Oh, hey, Michael!" she greeted tiredly. "Come on, guys," Jen held the door open to let the two inside the room, Ashton letting Michael go first.
"What's this?" Michael frowned, looking around the room. "What's the intervention for? Is it my drinking? Please say it's about my drinking," he wished aloud.
Nadine handed the red haired boy a glass of Scotch, to which he replied to, "Dammit! Thanks." He downed the alcohol in one gulp. "Okay. Now, what's all this about?"
Each of his friends glanced at each other, a worried and somber expression on all of their faces.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Nadine sighed and said on behalf of everyone, "We think you're becoming a bit... I don't know -"
"We think you're fucking out of your mind," Luke finished. "This perfect month thing, oh my God, Michael, just when we thought you couldn't do anything more stupid -"
" - you come up with this sick idea -"
" - that in no way benefits you and those girls at all -"
" - it's absolutely disgusting -"
"- we're begging you to please not go through with this."
The group finally stopped talking, leaving Michael speechless and astounded. "How did you know about this?" he inquired, raising one of his eyebrows. "Were you eavesdropping or something?"
"Maybe, a little," Calum admitted. "The point is we think you shouldn't do this."
"It's my life -" Michael started objecting but was cut by Clary.
"Do you really want to fucking spend the rest of your fucking life living with a fucking STD?" she snapped, silencing the whole room immediately. It was terrifying, to say the least. This was Clary, she handled arguments calm and collected. Clary, who did not swear much at all. Clary, who was not the type to lose her cool and snap at anyone, much less her friends.
But it was Clary who had been the first to express any anger in her voice.
"I'm sorry," Michael finally mumbled after what seemed like an eternity. "But - uh, something I forgot to tell Jen was that, uh..."
"Fucking spit it out, Clifford, you don't want Clar to lose her shit again." Ashton raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, fine, I - uh -" Michael's tone of voice started to scare the group, dreading what was going to come next. "Just remember I was kind of tipsy when I told Jen so I forgot about this, okay - but... uhm...
"Y'know what?" Michael sprung up from his seat, smiling unexpectedly widely, shocking his six friends. "You know what, I'll tell you about this in, what, nine to ten months? See you at the pit later, yeah?"
Before anyone could say anything in reply, the red haired boy dashed out the room with no one following him.
Once far from the room where his friends stayed, he slumped to the ground and buried his face in his hands. "How the fuck could I be a fucking dad?" he asked aloud, hoping for some kind of advice from the person inside this room, from the ceiling, from the fucking cat, anyone.
No one replied.

perfect month // m.c.
Fanfiction[ONGOING] nine months can change your life. copyright 2015 otrazourry / nicole v. all rights reserved