Chapter 1

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How does it feel to be trapped? To be trapped in a game that you didn't even start? To be forced to do something against your will?

To be split about what you have to do and what you want to do. And while all is happening, you are slowly and painfully falling into the abyss of despair and hate.

And you know what's the most interesting part?

The one who forces you to play is fate.

So, how?

How do you end it?

How can you play against fate?

How can you win against fate?

And, hypothetically, if you win, will it be worth it?

Because a game against fate never ends well for you. It can turn against you because you angered it. So, instead of angering the most powerful thing in the world, you have to end the game without losing it.

So, tell me, what would you decide?

Hope Mikaelson is one of these people who fought against fate and lost.

However, at first, she was winning.

She grew up in a rich household with so much love that you could call her rich in family and life. Everyone showered her with love—the same love she found in someone else. She received the same amount of love from her husband, who was not only a great life partner, but he was also an equal of her social status. His name was Landon Kirby.

So after a few years of marriage, the couple decided to move into a new household to expand their little family.

The new town was called Mystic Falls. (Hope, until now, doesn't understand why the town is called "mystic," even though Josie has explained it over a hundred times.).

In that particularly small town, she met someone who turned her life upside down, quite literally. The woman who changed her view of life was Josette Salvatore.

Their story begins when the Kirby couple moves into the new neighbourhood.


Hope places the carton box into the kitchen, opens it, and hums while putting the plates on the kitchen island. Hope has always loved to decorate houses, and that particular house makes her excitement go higher than before. Because this house represents a new chapter in her life. This house is the place where her children will grow up. "Did you meet our new neighbours?" A voice that she loves so much asks her. She turns around, smiling as she gives him a kiss on the cheek and points where the carton box he's holding has to be placed.

"No, not yet." She answers as she takes the plates that she previously collected and puts them on the table. "Hope, dear, next time, let's just let some workers do this dirty work. I don't want you to hurt your delicate hands." He says this as he moves closer and gives her a kiss on the back of her hand. Hope's heart skips over. She always loves when Landon shows affection towards her, because sometimes he doesn't.


When the dark hours reach Mystic Falls, the married couple decides to go to the Mystic Grill. Hope eagerly wanted to try the food because the locals she asked recommended it, and with some persuasion, she convinced Landon to go. And maybe they could also make some acquaintances with new people.

"It's really nice here." Hope commented while looking around as they first stepped into the building.

Hope truly likes the place. It's comfy and charming, and most importantly, she feels safe. Somehow, she misses this feeling in their new house. She loves it, of course, but something is missing, and Hope doesn't know what. "It could be better, but considering that this place is a place for poor people, I'll say it's okay."

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