msby sleepover

22 1 1

"i've got him," atsumu mutters into space with none other than sakusa kiyoomi behind him.

"can someone please remind me why i am here?" kiyoomi asks. "i never wanted to be here. i just want to be alone."

"well, omi," bokuto starts.

"don't call me that."

"well, sakusa, i wanted to have a little team bonding!!! and you're part of the team!"

"then where is the rest of the team? where's meian-san and inunaki-san? hm?"

bokuto scratches the back of his head. "well, fine. it's a team rookies bonding! come on!"

finally, sakusa sighs. "fine."

"yay! thanks for joining us, omi!" hinata exclaims.

kiyoomi rubs his forehead with his knuckle. "if i told bokuto not to call me that, why would you think i would allow you to say it? come on, use some common logic here."

atsumu tabs sakusa's arm. "there, there. anyways, who wants to play truth or drink, hm? it'll be fun to find more about each other!"

"anything you want," sakusa grumbles, sarcasm filling his voice.

"i'll get the beer!" bokuto shouts, already running to his fridge.

"you have beer in your house?!" hinata asks incredulously. "i can barely get some sparkling water around here!"

bokuto laughs. "it's called using outside sources, my friend." with that, he returns and hands everybody a bottle of beer.

"who's starting?" atsumu asks, taking his seat in the circle, next to sakusa and hinata.

"ooh! i'll ask first," hinata exclaims. "sakusa, do you like anyone on the team?"

sakusa's face contorts, and he pulls down his drink, pops open his bottle, and takes a swig.

"that's a yes." atsumu points out, chuckling at sakusa's disgusted face.

"my turn. bokuto, who are you dating?" sakusa asks, keeping his tone neutral.

bokuto's eyes light up. "akaashi keiji! we've been dating since high school so for," bokuto pauses to count on his fingers, "seven years! i'm proposing to him this summer."

hinata cheers, atsumu whistles, and sakusa only hides behind his mask.

these rounds continue for another half hour with aimless questions flying around. they find out that hinata's engaged to kageyama, atsumu's secret hobby is knitting, and sakusa has never dated anyone before.

and then everything turns a very different turn when a very drunk atsumu asks a not so drunk sakusa a sensitive question.

"hey, omi. what were those pills you took before i dragged you outta yer dorm?"

kiyoomi, who has given up on stopping any nicknames, visibly flinches. he grabs the bottle and drinks for the second time that night. "that's not for discussion."

427 words-grey :)

hello my readers. this will definitely have a part two, maybe a part three. i'll maybe update again by this weekend, but no promises. hope you enjoyed!

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