Chapter Nineteen

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Song for the chapter: Here's To Never Growing Up— Avril Lavigne

"I think this is the best idea we've had yet," Fred laughs picking up a huge chunk of snow and lobbing it at Cedric. Cedric dives out of the way just barely missing the faceful of snow.

"I would have to agree," Juniper laughs throwing an equally large ball of snow at Harry and getting him right in the stomach. "Ten points to Hufflepuff!"

"We're not keeping score," Ron whines swiping snow out of his hair.

"You only say that cause you're losing," Bianca says coming up behind him and dropping another pile of snow on his head. He jumps with fright then turns to Bianca and begins gathering up snow to throw back. Bianca laughs and begins running away, but Ron was fast and kept up with her.

"Oi not my best friend," Juniper yells dramatically and dives in front of Bianca as Ron launches the snow. Unfortunately, Juniper jumped too early and Bianca still got a face full of snow. Juniper was also buried in the snow, so no one really won.

"Ten points to Gryffindor!" Ron cheers sticking his tongue out at Juniper.

"You'll pay Weasley," Juniper grumbles as Bianca helps her up from the ground.

"Yeah, he will!" Amy yells, which was out of character for her. She throws a huge snowball at Ron, which knocks him back onto his bum.

It was Christmas Day and the twins had woken everyone up early to enjoy the fresh snowfall they received last night. Everyone was reluctant to join at first, but now that they were outside, it was a lot of fun. The twins decided it should be a competition between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. They made Harry, Ron, and Hermione tag along and Lee was more than willing to come. So, Bianca and Juniper convinced Cedric, Amy, and three of Amy's friends to join their team.

The snowball fight continued for another hour or so. Everyone was having fun, even Amy and her friends who were shy around the older kids at first. It was a relief for Bianca, it took her mind off of her problems for a while. She had spent a good portion of her break debating Angela's question. What Bianca truly wanted was untangible. She wanted a family where her mother was normal and she had grown up with her and Cassie in a nice, happy home. Since that obviously wasn't the case, Bianca was left to debate what she should do. Confront Cassie with the news or continue her life as it was?

This question remained in the back of her mind almost constantly. She refrained from asking any of her friends what she should do because that wasn't the point.

"You okay?" Cedric mutters coming to stand beside Bianca. She had gotten lost in her thoughts again and the group was still in the middle of the snowball fight while she was standing on the outskirts.

"Yeah, just spaced off," Bianca chuckles.

"Okay, just making sure," Cedric grins then places a pile of snow neatly on her head.

Bianca gasps in shock then bursts out laughing. "Oh, I'm gonna get you Diggory!" Bianca chases Cedric over to where the group is, but slips and ends up on her butt.

"Oi good idea!" Ron yells then lays back in the snow, beginning to make a snow angel. Everyone else follows suit and Bianca does as well, pretending that's what she was trying to do all along.

"Well, we should probably head inside and start getting ready for the Yule Ball," Hermione says once she had finished her snow angel.

"Good idea," Juniper agrees standing up as well and brushing the snow off of her clothes.


Getting ready could have gone smoother, but it was an enjoyable time. Juniper helped everyone with their hair since she was the best at it. Between her and Hermione, they had managed to control Hermione's mane and put into an updo with long tendrils coming out. Bianca and Amy's friend Elizabeth took care of everyone's makeup. Amy and Katherine (Amy's other friend) provided entertainment; mostly in the form of snark remarks and stupid jokes. Every once in a while someone would start freaking out because they didn't like how they looked and someone else would rescue them.

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