Part 12 - Something's wrong

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- You would have to ask Cain, they were trying to do something with a hammer which we got from SCP-826.

- Give him the phone, now.

- A-Alright...

I gave my phone to Cain who immediately realised what was going on, but tried to stay calm and explained them everything they did with Olivia against the machine, but his face slowly became pale until he looked like he was about to faint. After three minutes he hung out and looked at us terrified, with fear visible in his eyes.

- Cain? What happened? – Iris asked him curious and frightened at the same time.

- Olivia... We... Machine... – He tried to say something, but he was unable to say anything else than single words for over a minute.

- Did something go wrong? You don’t need to hurry, we can wait. – Iris replied immediately.

- We tried to annihilate that thing, but... – He stuttered for a second before continuing his sentence. – B-But not only it didn’t get destroyed, we accidentally created cracks in the entire reality, which might and will destroy our world if we don’t fix it somehow.

All of us went silent instantly after Cain said those words. We wanted to save this world but we might destroy it instead, because of our idea to use somebody’s spiritual energy and use it against that thing. Olivia was unconscious which meant she wouldn’t be able to help us, our time was limited and staff in Site-17 wasn’t able to open doors to SCP-343, who would easily be able to fix it for us.

- Does anybody have an idea how we could fix the world and save our butts? – I asked immediately hoping to receive a positive answer.

- We could use SCP-055 and bring it to SCP-579, which would reset the universe to a point where we never tried to use the hammer against that machine. – Cain suggested without hesitation. – It should be located in this facility from what I remember, and we could take a plane which would bring us to 579.

- This is not going to work Cain. – Myung-Ok responded instantly.

- Why not? They used it in the past, we could use it now!

- One month before we came to this facility, somebody stole that SCP from them.

- How do you know that?

- I overheard a conversation between two guards who were talking about it.

- Damn it... Maybe we should use SCP-2003 once more? – I recommended unsure if that would work.

- No chance Y/N, cracks exist in the fabric of the universe, which means, that they also exist in the past now. – Cain said while destroying my only hope.

- SCP-2000? Maybe the flower which was located in there could help.

- How do you know about this flower Y/N?! This information is classified!

- I didn’t know it was classified, Abel told me about it when he was talking about Incident Zero.

- So he also remembers that timeline... But it is not going to work, the flower doesn’t exist anymore, now there is only a thorn, which keeps our universe separated from others.

- What if we could change it into a flower then? It would connect our world to other universes and stabilize it.

- How are we supposed to do that Y/N? Only Olivia is a reality bender but she is unconscious.

- Her plan is not bad. Let’s go there and I will try to wake Olivia up with telepathy.

- Do you know consequences of messing with reali... – Cain tried to say something, but it looked like he changed his mind. – You know what? If we don’t do that then we will all die, so let’s give it a shot, but we need to bring Abel with us.

Running out of timeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora