Part 6 - Operation Mushroom and Abel's confession

Start from the beginning

This machine almost destroyed our world. Everyone in this universe will die if we fail to destroy it before it draws a number one for the second time. We could in theory reverse the timeline once again and try one more time, but to be honest, if we don't manage to do it during the time given to us, then another few weeks will not change anything.

Abel stood next to me with his eyes focused on it, and after few seconds of complete silence said:

- Do you think that we will be able to destroy it?

- I have no idea Abel. If Foundation didn't destroy it during all this time then I don't know if our efforts will be any different.

- If nuclear bombs fail to destroy it, is there anything stronger which we could use?

- There is no way this thing will survive that. Each of these bombs has enough energy to destroy an entire city, and we are using four of them.

- Maybe you are right... I am just anxious that something will go wrong.

- It will be fine Abel, trust me.

Having said that I came closer and hugged him, because I knew, that we will destroy this machine and nothing will stop us. Even if class-D personel didn't want to co-operate and guards had to shoot them, we still had everyone else willing to help us. But I was wondering, why did they have to die?

- Are you still thinking about these class-D members who got executed?

- I do. I know that every other staff member will help us, but I cannot understand why did they shoot them without hesitation?

- Because in this place, nobody cares about their lives.

- B-But why?

- All of them are criminals taken from prisoners sentenced to death or from those who received a life sentence. And to be frank, we weren't any better than them.

- What do you mean?

- Foundation contained us because we were dangerous. Because of that, they lost countless lives to keep the rest of humanity save.

- If that's true, then how did you change?

- Before they released us, another SCP activated itself. SCP-001 "The world has gone beautiful" was the only reason why I started thinking about everything I did. For some reason, I felt emotions which I couldn't feel earlier. Before all of that, I was a killing machine, I didn't care about anyone.

- What about your brother?

- He... He was the main reason why I hated everyone. You probably heard about our story, how he killed me and then was cursed with his abilities, but nobody knew what happened to me. It was never revealed by anyone, even though during those times everyone knew what happened. From the blood which flowed out of my body, a coffin was formed. In this coffin, I would come back to life once per one hundred years and I would try to murder my brother to fulfill my revenge. At the beginning I only wanted to find Cain, but over the years, I quickly realised that people weren't as good as I thought they were. So I gave myself another target. Kill as many people as it was possible. And it worked. It took multiple soldiers to kill me and the more I respawned, the quicker I was able to do it. One day, I was found by a Global Occult Coaltion, who tried to destroy my coffin but failed. They sent me to the SCP Foundation where I was guarded by their best Mobile Task Forces. After some time they even turned me into one of them, and it was great, until one day they had an incident with SCP-2000.

- SCP-2000?

- A machine which is able to re-create the entire humanity. It was located on a flower, which connected multiple universes to each other and kept them alive. One day something went wrong and the reality experienced a CK-Reality-Restructuring scenario, which could possibly turn into a ZK-End-Of-Reality scenario. I was sent on a mission with my entire squad and my own brother. We lost everyone, but at the end, we made it together and entered the room where flower was located. I used my sword and cut its pellets, thus breaking the connection with other universes. From now on, we were separated.

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