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Arriving at Seven Eleven, Eliana took off her bag placing it with the pile of other backpacks.

High schoolers scattered in the store, some working behind the counter, others scattered in the isles.

There was a lot of chatter in the store and Eliana immediately had her money ready and went to the isles to find some things to buy.

She chose Sour and Onion Pringles, Sour Patch Kids, M&M's, and some Coke and Sprite.


Eliana asked, " Whatchu want bitch?!"

Riley crossed his arms asked, " Why'd you bail on me bitch?! We was gon' walk here together! Where were you?"

I said, " I just- I forgot!"

Riley stared at me said, " You be trippin' sometimes Lana y'know?! You never forget anything! You lyin'!"

I sighed said, " 'scuse me, I got stuff to buy and pay for."

Pushing him aside, I went up to the cashier standing in line.

Riley stood next to me asked, " Jesus, is it because you saw me and Liza? Is that why you went over here by yo' self?"

Turning red in embarrassment I said, " Uh- yeah..."

Riley said, " Omigod- you can be so stupid sometimes... Just cause I got myself a girl don't mean I forgot 'bout you! Thats how it always gon' be, even when I was with my ugly crusty dusty dinosaur rhino hippopotamus bitch ass mothafucker ex, I still hung and stuck with you. What makes you think me being with Liza would make me be any different hm?!"

After we payed for our snacks, I said, " Uhmmm..."

Sitting at a table outside, Riley stared at me waiting for my answer while sipping his soda.

I said, " I dunno I just feel like you having a girlfriend would like- sort of pull us apart, I just always feel like you'd forget about me, the last person I was friends with before I met you was like that, besides boys don't care about girls feelings cause they're nothing but bitches... Thats what you call girls 24/7. So yea..."

Riley stared at me said, " I see where you comin from but that bitch you were friends with is a totally different person. I'm nothing like that, and no I don't call all girls bitches... I don't call my momma that, or my sisters, or Liza or you. Well I do that to you sometimes, but I don't ever mean it seriously... Is that what you thought too?"

I shook my head eating some chips quietly...

After swallowing, I said, " I'm sorry,"

He said, " Your good,"

We were silent until I asked, " Wanna go hangout somewhere else?"

Riley stood said, " Lemme see where Liza is, I'm going on a date with her tonight, and yeah sure, where do you want to go?"

I said, " Uhmmm- lets just chill at your place,"

Riley said, " Thats a terrible idea, my parents are fighting again, lets just go to your place,"

I nodded but before we can start a car pulled up in a parking spot.

"Hey! Riley, hi Lana- Mom wnats you home Riley! Get in dumbass!"

Rileys older sister, Janelle yelled blowing her pink hair out of her eyes glaring at us.

Riley said, " Okay! Lana's coming too,"

Janelle said, " Okay, I didn't ask."

Climbing into her SUV, we were quiet in the backseat.

Janelle asked, " So Lana! How was your day?"

I said, " Uhh- it was okay I guess..."

She said, " Oh, a'ight..."


"A'ight! What do you wanna do Lana?"

Riley flopped on his bed while I sat on the floor.

I asked, " Can we make spaghetti?"

He said, " Uh okay, thats random but okay..."

I laughed said, " I have so much to talk about,"

He asked, " Like what?"

I shrugged said, " I dunnno..."

He laughed said, " Your hopeless sometimes..."

Pushing him into the kitchen I said, " Shut up!"

We got the spaghetti, sauce, parmesan cheese, and two bowls.

Janelle said she already ate when we asked if she wanted any.

As we were making the spaghetti, Riley asked, " What do you think of Liza?"

I blinked said, " Uhmm- she's cool I guess,"

Riley said, " Okay,"

I asked, " Why do you ask?"

He stirred the spaghetti said, " I dunno I just feel like whenever I get with a girl, you always just disappear. And you seem dismissive anf slightly rude towards whoever I'm with, I just felt like you didn't really like Liza, and maybe that was why you just disappeared today."

I said, " Thats not it!"

He asked, " Than what is it? I dunno if I'd be able to be in a relationship or anything cause you always do that! "

I said, " I just- I feel like you'd abandon me because of whoever your girlfriend would be..."

He sighed finishing the pasta put it in a container replied, " And when have I ever done that?"

I said, " You haven't..."

Sitting outside on the porch with our pasta we were quiet.

He said, " You just gotta let me go, and accept and be fine that I'm in a relationship. Instead of running away like a pussy, grow a set of balls and learn to support me! Thats what I've always done for you, and I can't get that back?!"

I said, " You can!"

He asked, " When? Five years or somethin' from now?"

I said, " From now on!"

He said, " Prove it."

I said, " Fine! I totally am cool with you being with Liza. She's crazy talented and hella gorgeous no homo, and you better treat her well! Better than you treat me! I see you two staying together for a long time!"

Riley said, " Cool, luckily I recorded all of that..."

He held up his phone happily.

I rolled my eyes said, " Okay then..."

He smiled said, " Thank you Lana."

After swallowing my pasta I replied, " Anytime Riley,"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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