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pov of nick (nick reads itPleaze!!)

it was such a good night last night. i woke up today with such bad ass pain you dojt understand. i feel bumps and bruises all over my body and my makeup ruined still from that banging (literally) night. let me tdll you what happene.ed

"You srent gonna beat me loser!" i said to yumi whilst playing pokemon. he had 2 left and i had one, i knew for sure i was going to win. but oh how wrong i was.

i finally died with his rayquaza beating the aboslute shit out of my [insert really shit pokemon here] and yumi lets out a babboon like thunderous cheer
'BROROOODOORORRORORORRRRRR!!!!!!" he loojed st me and i blushed, laughing and giggling like a school girl.

"How about we raise the stakes?" He said to me, and i obviously wanted to hear more.

"Every dead pokemon, person takes off clothing."
This got my dick quivering like a ballerina on stilts. i thought of the fun we'd have afterwards and the shit that would go on during. i accepted and we played on.

First loser was me, i lost so i took off my hat.
'Cheap move!' yumi screams at yue top of his lungs. i felt a little oozing come out of my manhood when he did that. Hes so hot when hes angy uwu...

yumis pov:

TGAT SHIT HEAD!!! im gonna get him naked i SWEAR!!!! i turned to my DS and continued playing with him until he had to take something off again. this time, it was his shirt.

i coudl so easily tell he could benchpress me like a stick, i could be lifted out of the air with his one muscular hand (Muscular hand). but he was a sweetheart, and wouldnt do anything to hurt me, infact i was the dominant one with my pr of 405 at deadlifting. his name was softwilly but... we all knew the truth 😈
anyways he took his shirt off and i felt drool come out my mouth slowly. he noticed this and giggled, kissing under my lips so the drool went into his moith (This is before covid btw)
i blushed and turned baxk to my DEe Ess silently.

the next fww go past and we end up naked. I dont know how but it hapened... Now was time for the fun part.

3rd person POV:
yumi shot nick onto his bed and climbed on top of him, feeling his manly body underneath him (hes doing a gym workout video soon) and feeling a particular part get tingly and stiffed up. his manhood. he blushed when he saw yummy notice this and decided to trt take control. he grabbed yumi by his one arm and lifted him onto his tip. Moans arose around the room throughout the house as he got planted through all of it. he slowly started to bounce on top of him, slowly riding him until he was weak. this led him to go faster, trying to take more control by pinning his arms against the bed and roughly plowjng into him like a tractor and his grass.
Siddenly, Nick felt a warm feeling in his lower part and moaned beyond control, yumi degrading him for this becaise Nick has a degradi g kink I think (also isaac releases his stuff into the toilet irl so no one ever use that toilet ever)

finalyl, nick releases his load and sits whimpering to yumi. yumi then finishes and lays next to him. Both panting, yumi grabs a cloth and cleans them up.

"Round 2?"

Yumi x Softiwlly SmUT!!!Where stories live. Discover now