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Claire, Owen and Maisie had all been living in the camper van for nearly three weeks now and it was slowly starting to feel more small every day. Everyday Owen worked on finalising the cabin so it was ready to move in- the cabin had been being built for around a year now and it was safe to say that Owen was really chuffed and pleased with the result. It was evening and the sun was setting, the weather felt warmer and he just knew tonight was going to be their first night spent in their home.

Owen took a step back and admired the end result. Putting his toolbox down for the final time he walked over to the camper van. When he opened the door he found Claire sat on the kitchen side with a small glass of red wine in her hand..

'On the beverages already, huh?' Owen said with a cheeky smirk

'It's 7pm on a Friday evening Owen, it would be rude not to' Claire responded with a giggle

'Well I guess we're celebrating so I'll grab a beer' Owen said walking over to the fridge

'Wait, why? What are we celebrating' Claire asked following Owen with her eyes squinting slightly in excitement

Owen pulled the beer out of the fridge and threw it in the air and caught it and with a raise of his eyebrow he stood infront of Claire on the counter side and said 'the cabins finished' and left a small kiss on her lips and walked over to the table were he took a seat

'Wait what!' Claire jumped down of the kitchen side and followed Owen were she sat opposite him

'You heard me' Owen said taking a sip of his cold beer

'Owen, this is fantastic but I thought it was going to take another month!' Claire was so excited she couldn't stop smiling. Owen sat and admired the most beautiful smile he had ever seen

'Well I guess this man isn't just good at one thing with his hands' he said winking at Claire

'It appears so..' Claire said looking deep into his eyes flirtatiously.. 'so when can we move in' Claire said breaking the heat that was forming as she knew Maisie would most likely be out the shower soon

'This is the next surprise, we can literally move into it now. It's been furnished by a designer I had come in and the house is ready to be a home baby' Owen also felt a smile forming on his face when he thought of all the memories the family of three were going to make in their home.

'Oh my god this is so exciting, Maisie is going to be over the moon' Claire stood up and went round to Owen and wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his. They just had a moment were they really appreciated each other and a few minutes until they heard Maisie get out of the shower.

'Hey kiddo, when you have your pyjamas on come out here me and Claire need to tell you something' Owen shouted from the living area

'Okay' Maisie shouted back

'She's going to be so excited to see her new room' Claire said drinking the last bit of wine in her glass

'She really will... refill?' Owen said standing up from the table and taking Claire's glass with him

'Yes please make it a large this time' Claire chuckled

Shortly after Maisie made her way into the living area and sat next to Claire where she had made her way to the sofa. Maisie scooted close to claire and claire put her arm around the little girl which made Maisie lean in and rest her head on her chest. Owen came wondering over to the girls handing Maisie a glass of water and Claire her glass of wine.

'Guess what Mais' Owen said excitedly opening his second bottle of beer

'What is it' Maisie giggled sitting up with her little British accent

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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