Sense of home

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Maisie was so nervous, there she was sat in the back seat of a car on a ten hour journey with two people she barely knew. Sure, they seemed nice and they both had really made an effort to make Maisie feel comfortable, but boy, was Maisie frightened. She didn't even know were the three were heading...

'just ask Maisie' the 9 year old child thought to herself but she was just too scared. Scared about the fact she didn't know were she was going, scared about the fact her grandfather had died a short while ago, scared about the fact dinosaur's could be seen from the car, scared about the fact she was most likely never going to see Iris again, scared about the fact she had found out she was a clone. Maisie was just terrified. Maisie began to feel her eyes fill with tears and she tried her best to hold them in, but they all came flooding out.. Maisie turned her face to look out the window and was trying with every bone in her body she had not to make sobbing noises, but little did she know Claire and Owen were both watching her through the front mirror. Claire and Owen both shared a concerned look when Claire realised this was a little girl crying and she must comfort her..

'Hey Maisie, are you okay? It's been a long day hasn't it' Claire asked sympathetically..

'I'm okay' Maisie said in a tiny, sobbing whisper

'You don't have to pretend sweetie, me and owen can clearly tell your not okay' Claire said smiling sadly at this poor girl

'What's going to happen with me' Maisie asked unable to catch her breathe at this point

Owen winked at Claire and Claire took off her seatbelt and climbed into the back seat were she sat next to Maisie and gladly accepted a comforting hug of Maisie.

'Well, you can stay with me and Owen if you like' Claire asked stroking the girls head of hair whilst Maisie had her head resting on Claire's shoulder

'Your not going to want me forever though and grandfather and Iris are no longer around so I'm just scared' Maisie said clearly still very distressed

Both owen and Claire had kind of forgotten that Maisie had basically had her whole family ripped apart today. Her grandfather who was her main carer along with Iris who Maisie also deeply cared for and seen as a motherly figure..

'Hey kiddo, look at me a second' Owen said looking through the rear view mirror

Maisie lifted her head up from Claire's shoulder with her hair stuck to her sticky face from were she had been crying, she looked at Owen through the mirror

'Don't worry about were your gonna go- you can stay with me and Claire for as long as you like. Even if that is forever' Owen said smiling kindly at the girl

A small smile made its way to the corner of Maisie's mouth and she said a quiet thank you to Owen. Owen got a warm fuzzy feeling seeing this little girl smile at him, maybe she will stay forever he thought to himself.

'Where are we going?' Maisie asked so quietly putting her head back onto Claire's shoulder

'We're off to a cabin Owens building. It's not finished just yet so for the next few weeks we will have to sleep in his camper van. I think you'll like it, there's lots of space to play outside and you can even help Owen build the cabin if you'd like' Claire said stroking Maisie's hair and resting her head on top of Maisie's.

'Really, I can help?!' Maisie asked sounding really shocked they had offered for her to help

'Of course you can kiddo, I could do with an extra pair of hands' Owen answered.

A few minutes had passed and Owen had realised Claire and Maisie had stopped their small talk so he took a look in the mirror to see into the back seats and he seen one of the best sights he had ever seen, Claire and Maisie were both fast asleep. Maisie's head was resting on Claire's chest and Claire had her head on top of Maisie's holding her tightly. Something in Owen just knew. He just knew that this was his family, that these were the girls he was going to spend the rest of his life with and he couldn't wait for their adventure to start.

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