Chp.4 The start of the relationship

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--Tazuna's POV--When I walked over to Kakashi and Naruto I saw Naruto by the fire cooking something when the pink haired girl started to yell at him for him being lazy while they were working hard and putting up there tents while he was just sitting there doing nothing but I think he was the one who built it plus i'm pretty sure that's his tent behind him because Kakashi's is back there with Sakura and Sasuke's so I decided to step in and say "Hey i'm pretty sure he has his tent up built up behind him and I saw Kakashi leave like 5 minutes before we showed up no matter how elite he is he wouldn't of been able to build a fire and have food practically done in that amount of time no offense Kakashi." "Non-Taken Tazuna-san. And you are quite right when I walked over here it was all built up with Naruto making food and his tent all built up." said Kakashi--Third person POV-- "What!?" said Sakura and then they all looked behind Naruto to see a built up tent with his stuff sitting inside then they looked over at Naruto and he was getting up to go to his tent to get something they couldn't see what it was until he walked out and started filling them up with the beef stew he was cooking and then they realized it was bowls that he was filling up for them and then Sakura sat down and then she started apologizing profusely and everyone was surprised but Naruto at what she was doing and all he replied with was "Hey it's ok I know that's just how you show you care because you don't know how to show your emotions, I know Sakura your fine. Here eat up and Sasuke I got these for you." said Naruto and then handed Sasuke a package of tomatoes that was the first time he showed emotion he got.......excited and thanked Naruto which surprised everyone even Naruto but he just softly smiled and was genuinely happy which caused everyone to smile than Naruto proceeded to hand out bowls and give them a 'gift' individually which he gave Kakashi the new Icha Icha Make-out paradise book which he was super excited to read then gave Sakura some dumplings which she was surprised he knew was her favorite but didn't question it and then he handed Tazuna a bottle of sake which he was super excited about since he wasn't allowed a bottle after he sobered up at the village which was about 12 hours ago but he decided that he would wait till tomorrow to drink it so then everyone eat, everyone but Naruto was laughing and having fun so then once everyone was done Naruto took the dishes and proceeded to wash them much to Sakura's dismay as he built the fire cooked and gave them gifts but then once he was done we all headed to bed as Kakashi was first look-out Sasuke was second, Sakura was third and Naruto was last.Time skip to the morning after all their shifts were over.--Naruto's POV--When it was morning I started on breakfast and packed my stuff then continued to take my tent down when breakfast was done I went to go wake up Kakashi, Tazuna, Sakura, and Sasuke the first one I went to go wake up was Kakashi-sensei, when I got in his tent he was sleeping soundlessly it was kinda cute to be honest I stood there for a couple of minutes before deciding to come back and wake him up then I muttered "I'll come back later he looks to peaceful and cute asleep lets go wake up Tazuna and the rest." after that then I went to Tazuna's tent and woke him up telling him breakfast is on a plate out there ready then I proceeded to go to Sasuke and Sakura's shared tent since she let Tazuna barrow hers cause his got ruined somehow and then I woke them up and told them the same thing I told Tazuna and they got up to go eat then I went to Kakashi's tent dreading to wake him up from his sleep cause he looked so peaceful while he was sleeping, luckily when I went in there he was already awake which made me quite happy that I didn't have to disturb his sleep but the moment I walked in h returned around and asked me a question that made my heart race and face flush from embarrassment.--Kakashi's POV--When Naruto first walked into my tent I assumed he was going to wake me up for the day but what surprised me was that he was just stood there staring at me for a couple of minutes then left muttering "I'll come back later he looks to peaceful and cute asleep lets go wake up Tazuno and the rest." which surprised me as I started to blush when he left the decided to get up and pack my stuff then about 5 minutes later I just finished packing when Naruto came in when he saw me he looked relieved that I was awake but that ended quickly and his face went from relieved to flushed with embarrassment which looked cute not that I would ever say that out loud but then again back to the real thing here "Why were you staring at me for a couple of minutes when you first entered the tent instead of 'waking' me up for the day?"--Third person POV-- Naruto was blushing like a madman cause of what Kakashi questioned him and Naruto was a stuttering mess here's what I mean by that "I u-um i'm sorry you looked p-peaceful and I was thinking if I s-should w-wake  you up or n-not." Naruto said stuttering "Hey it's alright next time just wake me up instead of staring. What was it that you needed anyway, Naruto?" Kakashi said "Oh yeah I will and well breakfast is ready for you the others are already eating so we should probably head out there before they think that we might have died in here from how long we've been in here." Naruto said before walking out which made Kakashi follow for some reason while staring at Naruto's behind when they made it to the campfire he stopped staring afraid of one of the three calling him out on it but who could blame the man. When they sat down and started to eat, Sasuke said the question all three of them had been wondering "So Naruto, Sensei what took you guys so long I thought you were only waking him up?" with that Naruto spoke before Kakashi had a chance to say anything. "Oh I was just telling Kakashi-Sensei that I felt we were going to be attacked soon by someone very strong but who knows maybe my gut feeling is wrong but then again my gut feeling is almost always right." as soon as Naruto said that he looked up from his food to a shocked look from Sasuke, Sakura, Tazuna, and a very well hidden one from Kakashi too but Naruto could tell he was shocked because he was very good at reading someone's body and and facial movement's no matter how hard they tried to hide it he always saw through it. "Yes, that's right we were talking about that when he remembered that the food was going to be cold so we came out here to eat real quick before going back to our conversations and now that we are both done Naruto and I will be right back I promise and pack up your things but keep the fire going until everyone is done." Naruto and Kakashi left them at the campfire and Kakashi practically dragged Naruto into his tent before putting privacy and silencing seals around the tent and then asked Naruto "Is it true did you actually have a gut feeling about that or was that a lie to not get caught by the others that you were staring at me while I was sleeping?" "Yes, it's true I did get a gut feeling along with a huge headache right after that's how I knew they were strong to be honest I think it was Zabuza because of how strong it was but yet like it wasn't all but that's as much as he could unlock with his body." (but what Kakashi didn't know was that Naruto, Zabuza, and Haku already know each other from when he had to run out of the village into a forest because he was running from the villagers but anyway back to them) Kakashi faced Naruto with a shocked look as Naruto just shrugged and suddenly Kakashi couldn't take it anymore and before he knew it he had taken down his mask and began kissing Naruto.--Kakashi's POV-- When Naruto stopped explaining I looked at him with a shocked face and he just shrugged which made something in me flip as before I knew it I had my mask down and I was kissing him I knew my body had a mind of its own when he put up the seals he wouldn't have needed it if our team already knew of him having his gut feeling suddenly I was being pushed down on the makeshift bed and I felt someone start to climb on top of me and started kissing me which I obviously kissed back knowing who it was.--Naruto's POV-- When Kakashi started to kiss me after my explanation I was kissing back when I got this idea and pushed him down on the makeshift bed and started slowly crawling on top of him till I was straddling his hips and went down and started kissing him he started kissing back almost instantly cause he knew it was me and that's when I started to go down further my but on the top of his shins and my mouth slowly went down to his chest while my were finding their way to the bottom of his shirt and started to pull his shirt off which he automatically compiled to by lifting his back and head to let it side off and my mouth went straight to his chest I started to leave hickeys everywhere on his chest that's when he flipped us over and started kissing and leaving bite marks and hickeys on my neck then he slipped my shirt off and went to my chest that's when we were interrupted by Sakura "Hey Naruto and Kakashi-sensei when are we going to leave you guys have been in there for over 30 minutes and everyone's packed the only thing left to do is pack your tent Sensei and put out the fire then were ready to go?" asked Sakura "We'll be out in a second Sakura we've just finished talking about it sorry for taking so long so i'll help sensei continue packing my apologies." I said "No worries it's fine we were just getting concerned we thought you guys died in there or something well i'll go tell them sorry for interrupting you guys bye see you in a bit" Sakura stated and then she left so when I looked over at Kakashi he was still on the bed gaining his breath back but once he saw my he winked and I felt my face go hot so then I felt this confidence in me and winked back while I walked over to his stuff and started to pack his stuff that he stopped packing when I walked in the second time and bent down to pick up our shirts that we threw over there and when I turned around I saw him standing with a flushed face and staring over to where I was and looking at my neck and chest with a big ass smirk on his face also then when I looked down my breath hitched because of how many there were and how big and dark they were but it came but when I remembered how much more I put on him and how they were bigger and darker then what he put on me. So then I smiled, and put my shirt on, then handed him his and whispered "I would look down at yours before you turn too smug with that smirk of yours." then I packed the rest of his stuff and smirked when I heard him gasp the I heard him putting his shirt on so I handed him his bag with all his stuff in it and put my hoodie on that was tied around my waist while I watched him put up his mask to hide his marks while my jacket did it for me then we walked out so we could take down his tent put the fire out then leave.

~ Hey guys sorry for not posting for awhile I was writing and then I was distracted by school for a little bit there but I hope you guys are comfortable with smut cause in the next chapter there will be some but there is a warning in the beginning of the chapter and there will also be a warning before the smut happens but until next chapter bye bye were ending this chapter with 2,230 words so good bye ~

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