The Vigilant Yaksha

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Sorry for the wait on this one. This was my first time experiencing Writers Block and gotta say...
I f*cking hate it.

Keqing's Pov

Keqing: "I see, so the Millelith spotted him near Wangshu Inn?"

Ganyu: "It seems so."

Keqing: "Alright, sorry for putting this on you, but can you sort through the rest of my paperwork?"

Ganyu: "Of course not, but where are you going?"

Keqing: "I'm going to go look for him. I still owe him an apology."

Ganyu: "Really..? Are you sure that's the only reason?"

Keqing: *Blushes* "W-well... Maybe I also just want to try and meet him... Maybe get to know him better..."

Ganyu: *Laughs* "At least you're being honest with yourself. Good luck, and be careful out there!"

Keqing: "Will do!"

Once she was out of Yujing Terrace...

(Did I really say that? Was that what I actually wanted to do...? I shouldn't let that bother me right now,I should go find him. I should probably give him an apology gift. But what should I give him...)

This was the first time she had ever put so much thought on a simple gift. And she decided on giving him a brand new sword, a Prototype Rancour, forged by Master Zhang.

(This should do... Alright, I should make my way to Wangshu Inn...)

Aether's Pov

Aether and Paimon were riding the lift since the stairs were broken. And it was... a very slow experience.

(For a huge Inn, it sure has a very slow lift.)

Once he arrived at the top of the inn he activated the nearby teleporter and entered the inn, but suddenly he was tackled by a girl.

(Ow, what was that?)

???: "Oh no, are you okay?"

Aether: "I'm fine, but what about you?"

???: "I'm fine, but I'm in a hurry so I have to go."

Aether:"And she's off..."

(Well I guess I should try and find... Wait what's that?)

Once he got back on his feet, he noticed a pendant laying on the ground.

(Did she drop this? I should probably return it.)

Paimon: "Ooh it's a shiny Pendant!"

Aether: "Don't get any weird ideas. We should return this back to her."

Paimon: "Fiiine."

Aether went back out of the inn and down the lift, hoping to find that girl. Eventually he did find her, and she looked a bit worried.

Aether: "Um, hello?"

???: "Oh um yes! Hello!"

Aether: "I believe you dropped this when you tackled me."

???: "Oh thank goodness, my Pendant! Thank you, um..."

Aether: "It's Aether."

Paimon: "And it's Paimon!"

Marle: "Well thank you Aether and Paimon, my name is Marle."

Aether: "Well then Marle, what do you plan to do now?"

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