Answers And A New Quest

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Aether: "We had a bit of a fight with a purple haired girl."

???: "Ah, you must have had a fight with Keqing, Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing."

(Keqing, that's a really pretty name.... Wait why am i even thinking about that?!)

Paimon: "Wait but that's beside the point! Who exactly are you?"

Childe: "Call me Childe."

Paimon: "Childe? What, so we're supposed to dote on you?"

Childe: "No no,it's an alias of sorts. In Mondstadt I don't suppose you came across a Signora by any chance?

Paimon: "Signora.... Childe....."

Paimon: "You're Fatui! One of the Harbingers!"

*Draws Sword*
Childe: "Woah there, calm down. I'm not trying to pick a fight. I just want to help you."

Aether: "I don't need help from a Fatui Harbinger."

Childe: "Calm down, I'm not a bad guy, okay perhaps I'm kind of a bad guy but I'm not here to pick a fight. Would it be too much to keep the sword sheathed?"

(Yes, it's a lot to ask for to not be suspicious of a Fatui Harbinger.)

Aether: "Fine."

*Sheathes Sword*

Childe: "I thank you for your Knightly nobility, Aether."

Aether:"How do you know my name?"

Childe: "I've heard of your deeds in Mondstadt, so I couldn't help but try and meet you. Anyways, if you want to clear yourselves of any suspicion, you need to head to Northland Bank."

Paimon: "Why should we be heading there?"

Childe: "I'll explain later once you arrive, I'll see you there!"

(He's gone...)

Paimon: "Well, what's the plan now Aether?"

Aether: "Well we kind of have no choice, so to Northland Bank it is i suppose."

Paimon: "Alright then, to Northland Bank!"

Keqing's Pov

Ningguang: "I see, so our suspect can use elemental power without a vision?"

Keqing: "Yes, He can. He is obviously our culprit!"

Ningguang: "Well I won't know until i see him and have a chat with him. Can you give me a description of him?"

Keqing: "Well he has a weird flying thing following him around, but he has very long and gorgeous golden hair that's braided, he wears a dark brown breastplate vest with gold and black accents baring his midriff and he has some very breathtaking golden yellow eyes."

Ningguang: "Um, how did you manage to get all that from meeting him only once? And how was it all positive?"

Keqing: " *Blushes* U-umm,I-i don't-"

Ningguang: "Well I suppose that doesn't matter, I'll dispatch some people to find him."

Keqing: "O-okay!"

Ningguang: "Keqing are you okay? You're fidgeting a little bit. You're also sweating quite a lot."

Keqing: "I-it's nothing! It's probably just exhaustion!"

Ningguang: "If you say so, just don't forget to take a break."

Keqing: "W-will do! I suppose i should get some rest now, goodbye!"

She ran as fast as she can towards her office and closed the door shut.

(How am i acting like this? Why was i able to recall so much detail about him? Like those Golden eyes.... and his gorgeous long golden hair.... Dammit I'm not supposed to be thinking about him like this! I don't even know who he is! It's all his fault. I will find you, Whoever you are!)

Aether's Pov

Paimon: "Northland Bank...."

Childe: "Correct. This bank was opened here in Liyue by Snezhnaya."

Paimon: "And where have you been?"

Childe: "Had to go pick up something first. Here, take this."

Paimon: "What is this?"

Childe: "All i know is that it's a sigil. A sigil to keep the "mighty and illuminated adepti" from bringing harm to you."

Paimon: "But why would we need to go look for adepti?"

Childe: "There are many reasons for mortals to seek adepti. Money, power, love. But you, you will go for justice. The adepti can clear you from any wrongdoing and clear your name from suspicion.

Paimon: "But where should we go and look?"

Childe: "If you head north from the harbour, then west from Guili Plains, you will eventually reach a stone forest known as Jueyun Karst, which the people of Liyue believe is the abode of the adepti."

Paimon: "Okay we're gonna go but what are you going to do now?"

Childe: "I'm gonna help start preparation for the Rite of Parting."

Paimon: "What's that?"

Childe: "You'll know in due time, you should head on off now. Good Luck."

Paimon: "He's gone again. Well what's the plan now Aether?"

Aether: "Well we kind of don't have a choice so i suppose we're on the search for the adepti."

Paimon:"Yay! More adventures! Which means more Treasures! So, when are we going?"

Aether: "Give me some time to prepare. I think I definitely need a new sword because I lost mine when I was fighting Keqing..."

(Dammit, just saying her name is enough for me to feel lightheaded....)

Paimon: "Hey,are you okay? You look a bit tired."

Aether: "I'm fine Paimon. Just thinking about what to bring for the trip later."

(I'm sure I'll end up meeting Keqing again soon and when I do, I have to find out what it is that's causing me to feel like this...)

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