Chapter 8: I want a milkshake

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"Hey," Armin said next to Natalia who stood alone looking around anxiously.

"Huh?" She turned over to see armin and gave a small sigh of relief. "Oh hi!"

"You're all alone? Where's Mae?"

"Not sure actually." She shrugged.

"Oh really? Huh, i don't think i've ever seen you guys apart outside of classes."

"Eh it happens sometimes. But yeah i guess at stuff like this we'd be together. But i kinda got pulled aside and now i don't know where she is."

"Pulled aside?"

"Oh Uhm reiner, the blonde jock looking football player kind guy over there wanted me to meet his friends for some reason." She laughed with another shrug.

"For some reason?" Armin teased her obliviousness, though she was oblivious. she laughed to something she didn't fully understand with him anyways. "Well i can stick with you till you find her. Oh, if you want me to that is."

"Oh sure, you're the only one over here that I know so... if you want." She smiled.

"Okay, sure. We can look around for her. Do you know who she might be with?"

"Well? I thought Mikasa, but Mikasas over there with Eren and I don't see her."

"Gotcha, well she has to be somewhere, but she could be looking for you so maybe we should stay here to make it easier?"

"No, she knows i came inside with Reiner." She frowned still looking around for her.

"Oh, then i'm sure someone did the same to her. There's tons of people here and so i'm sure someone just started talking to her."

"Yeah, but she's not really the type to get swept away by someone I guess, she's pretty skeptical."

"Oh, you're right she is.  Well it's over whelming in here she could have gotten a couple people and just went outside. I mean their yard is enormous. I don't see Sasha anymore, or Marco so shes probably with one of them."

"Oh probably." Natalia nodded. Her arms were wrapped tight to her stomach in anxiousness. Armin noticed and wasn't quite sure how to make her feel better.

"Do you want some water?" Armin offered. She looked down at her now empty water bottle.

"Oh sure." She shrugged.

"Okay, i'll throw that away for you." He smiled and took her empty water bottle and walked over back to the kitchen.

She started to enjoy people watching. It became entertaining, all the people laughing, talking, telling stories, making new friends, playing games. The sun was setting, the only light was from the remaining sunlight left and the kitchen lights.

"Oh hey! You're Reiners friend!" One of the guys from earlier said walking up to her. "See I told you guys, Reiner has good taste in women, if only he could get his head out of the clouds and get over Historia." Porco laughed with his friends Natalia had never met. A tall structured looking blond with blue eyes and shorter hair, and a guy that looked rather bored, he had reddish auburn hair and his arms were crossed. "Anyways, oh! Right! Why i came over here!" He said looking down at the tray in his hands as if he forgot it was there and was surprised. "Here take one! Or two even! They are absolutely delicious oh my god." He said and handed her a napkin with two brownies with it. "Pieck made them, she's the best im sure you'll love them. Oh hey!! Annie!! Try this! And hey Bertholdt you too man!" He said now just walking around handing out food.

Natalia with out further thought, innocently ate the brownie she had been handed. She hadn't eaten much that day besides Reiners half burnt muffins from earlier. She turned to see where Armin was all this time and saw Annie, the girl from earlier and Historia talking with him. Natalia after a few bored moments alone she decided to go up to him after being tired of waiting.

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