Chapter 2: 12 years later

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Your outfit: a starter pack
I covered the face for imagination :)

Your outfit: a starter packI covered the face for imagination :)

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Bela's Pov: 1933

My pen was furiously tapping against the exercise book that I held in between my arms; almost hugging it for dear life.

I couldn't believe it. "This boy is always late," I breathe out. I looked around the area, visibly frustrated. I began mumbling to myself, "...and he slows everyone else down with him. God, why do I always waste my time with him?" I sighed loudly.

With the tapping of my shoes, the clicking of my pen, my lips become sore from nervously chewing. On top of that my hair band broke today, which has led me to be standing outside of the school, alone, with my messily gathered hair randomly smacking my face.

I groaned from annoyance. "That's it, this is the last time I will try to cover for him," confidently stated. I turn my feet and begin to stomp away.

"BELA!" I froze.

"Of course, he comes right when I'm going to leave". I complained. Turning to face him, I see him running out the school gates, face glistening from a sprinkle of sweat, and a smile big enough to brighten the entire world.

He came running all the way up to me, almost running right into me.

"Watch out!", I panicked, followed by an 'are-you-serious' face. My face almost always stamped like this when he was with me.

"I'm sorry Bel, I was so late. I actually go into class late-"

I deeply breathe out all the bullshit. Composed; "Why are you always making me wait on you?"I paused. "You always get me to do some stupid favor to cover up for you, and yet again..." I point to myself with my right hand, pen still grasped. "...I'm wasting my time standing here, alone. All for what? Just because you can't get your shit together?..." His blue eyes saddened, his entire face slowly drooping.

Furious from the thoughts circling in my head for the last 15 minutes,"...I bet you were only in detention because you tried to impress that Cindy from English again, and of course, did something stupid to wind up in detention". He looked ashamed.

But I didn't hold back. No. I can feel my heart beating so fast in my chest, almost coming up to my throat.

Yet, I pushed out, "You've only ever stayed friends with me because you felt you were forced. You've never liked me. All you've ever done was treat me like I'm your tutor, bound back to me, time and time again because 'Mr. being a soldier means I don't have to study' can't finish his fucking homework without MY help", I exhaled in one breath.

The load off my chest caused my breathing to deepen. I couldn't understand why I felt the need to say that.

My eyes stuck on his. "If Steve was never there...would you even have become friends with me?... ever?", gulping. My eyes felt heavy, the question deep in my heart was now framed and hung on my face.

I know we're only 16 but this asshole made me feel a way I didn't like feeling. I don't know what it was.

He stood there in front of me completely still. I could tell he didn't know how to reply.

Maybe I was being too rough. God, I'm such a fool. I closed my eyes trying to think about what I just said, embarrassed. His silence didn't make it any better. His eyes bounced around everywhere like he was searching for the right excuse to fall into his mouth.

I looked back up at him slowly, he was a bit taller than me, and right now, more than ever, I felt so small. He takes his briefcase from his hand kneeling down onto the ground in front of me, his eyes not breaking contact with mine. He slowly looked down and unlocked the top half, as he settled the case onto the concrete.

I didn't know what he was doing. But I couldn't walk away, I felt guilty. My eyes didn't move off his face, not interested in his actions, only trying to read his face.

His eyes shot right back at me, slowly raising up. I was silently observing, opening my mouth, wanting to cut his bullshit before he even did it, but I dared not to make a sound. How does he do that? Make me take a fondness to his different ways of torment.

His once saddened gaze was now flipped with a dominant look, a straight mouth, furrowed eyebrows. I felt so bloody anxious. Did I just ruin my friendship with Bucky because I wanted attention? Jesus, I've become like every other girl.

Then my eyes slowly moved down to the hand he'd reached out. My face dropped before I could see what he was doing. I felt so stupid and dumb, I, Bela am the biggest idiot in the world. I shut my eyes tight, letting out a pained sigh.

I expected him to yell back, the way I did.

I don't know why, but he never did.

That was the thing with bucky, he never did raise his voice at me. He was a bully, some might even call him a bitch, constantly exploiting people for whatever he wanted (even though some people liked that). But for some reason, he never dared raise his voice at me.

Bucky's pov:

I didn't know what to say. I always thought she didn't mind waiting a little longer, or the fact I teased Cindy or the endless bullying. Because frankly, she was always laughing afterward. I realize now I might have made some mistakes with her.

I stood in front of her. My heart was racing as fast as ever. I could feel the walls of my throat tighten, poking. Her eyes were still closed shut. God, I felt so pathetic. Why couldn't I ever just be nicer to her?

My eyes stared at her face a little too long. It felt like I was standing there for hours, yet the sun was still right in front of me.

My hands reached toward hers and slowly unraveled her strong grip. Her arms were folded, clenching her book, but her hand felt so gentle; soft.

Her eyes opened slowly, peeking down at what I was doing. I put her hand in mine and placed the 3-man bundle of roses into her fingers. I searched her face for a reaction. And that's when I saw her expression, a lingering sadness.

Do I make her feel this way all the time?

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