The Midnight Trip

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"One last drink before the new year?", asked Jamie.

"Sure, one last drink year before this terrible year goes away", I said slurring my words in my drunken state,  in no position to even look at alcohol, but hey! why not? I need to let loose this year.

Jamie went to grab me another drink while I danced to the slow beats, around the campfire. I was celebrating new year's eve with my friends in the middle of nowhere in the woods, but I still felt more connected to people than I ever had.

Over the flames of the campfire, I saw a what? no, I must be hallucinating, there is no way in hell that a rabbit is standing in an overcoat, how much did I drink? The rabbit pulled out a pocket watch, looked at it, then me, he tapped his foot while leaning against a tree. I rubbed my eyes, but the rabbit still stood there tapping his foot on the coarse ground, shifting its gaze between the watch and me, almost as if it was waiting for me. 

I hesitantly walked to it, looking around to see if anyone else noticed it, but everyone else was too busy dancing to look at the rabbit. I walked up to him and then he spoke! the rabbit, it spoke! it said, "Ahh, took you long enough" and then walked away before I could get a word out. Since when could rabbits speak? 

The rabbit walked away from our clearing and into the thick woods, stopping to check if I was following it or not, "Come on now", it said. I involuntarily followed him, still too shocked to be able to comprehend my bad decision to leave the clearing. I followed the rabbit into the thick moon-lit woods for a few minutes.

The rabbit turned around, looked at his pocket watch, and said, "Well we're here, a tad bit late, but they won't mind". I opened my mouth to question him, "Wha-", is all I managed to get out before the ground beneath my feet shifted and I fell. I fell into a hole that magically appeared in the ground, but I grabbed onto the ground quick enough to not fall in the hole completely.

The rabbit walked up to me and said, "I thought you wanted to let loose? Go on then" before using his paw to pry my hold on the ground. "No, please", I said before my hand detached from my only support and I fell into the hole. I screamed and fell for what felt like minutes, but I knew that couldn't be true- right?

I looked down to see the hole finally ending, and water at the bottom; I fell with a splash in the water, wetting my blue dress and short blonde hair. I noticed that the body of water was a big tub, I was in an underground dungeon? I don't know but this place felt dirty and old. I got out of the tub, soaking the ground with my wet dress, there was a big wooden door that looked rotten. The cavern I was in, had no other escape and I  couldn't climb back up the hole that I fell into, so I walked up to the door.

I knocked on the door, no response, I knocked again, still nothing, I gently pushed on the door to reveal darkness. So I could either remain stuck in the musty room or venture into the dark oblivion; both were lovely choices, note the sarcasm, but I chose the latter.

I cautiously walked into the darkroom and ventured in deeper, as soon as I was far enough from the door, it shut close. I immediately ran up to it and tried to pry it open, pulling it, hoping the rotten wood would give out, that's when I heard a click and light entered the room blinding me.

I turned around to find myself in a room that resembled an open kitchen. turned my head slightly lower to see seven short men, in monochromatic suits and top hats looking up at me; I jumped back and once again tried to pry the door open.

"Now, now, you need to calm down now", said a man with a monocle in his right eye as he stepped closer to me.

I panicked and reached on the counter beside to grab a silver knife with inscriptions on it, from the knife stand, I held the knife threateningly at them as I stepped back. "Don- don't come any closer", I said in a shaky voice as I was terrified.

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