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"It's just that, I need someone to accompany me so I wanted you to come with me" L/N revealed her reason. "Isn't the Titan there?" Kuroo let out referring to Gojo. L/N could still feel the change of his tone when he spoke about Gojo

"Uh no actually, he's in Tokyo right now" L/N lied, she actually doesn't know where he is right now.

"You don't mind bringing my friend right?" Kuroo asked, "Is it Kenma?" L/N recalled the time he mistook Kenma as a girl. "Ah no, he's busy right now dealing his company"

"Even if I asked him to come with me he'll say no" Kuroo added, "That's kinda harsh" L/N let out. "Well I'm used to it anyway," Kuroo told her

A question came inside Kuroo that without hesitation he asked L/N.

"Oh, by the way, where are we going by the time we meet?" He asked, L/N simply replied which made Kuroo shocked

"To the hospital" L/N replied


"Don't tell me you're dying"

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"Hey! Hey! Hey! You must be L/N! I'm Bokuto!" Golden-colored eyes and spiky white-grey hair with black streaks man cheerfully greeted you which taken you aback at his energetic energy.

'Wow does all of the volleyball players are this solid and muscular build?' L/N thought after eyeing Bokuto. Good thing she is wearing her blindfold or else they will tease her to death by staring at Bokuto's well build body.

"Bokuto I told you don't be too much energetic!" Kuroo shouted after catching up with him.

"Hey L/N, I'm so sorry if he bothered you" Kuroo apologize which you told him it was fine. "It's kinda fun to have someone energetic" Somehow, Bokuto's energy felt so familiar to you.

Was it because you miss him?

"I told you that I'm bringing Atsumu!" Kuroo shouted

"Aw, c'mon I just wanted to see the woman you've been talking about" Bokuto lowly let out with a pout.

"Kuroo stop being harsh to him" L/N let out before comforting Bokuto.

"Fine, aren't we supposed to be at the hospital right now?" Kuroo changed the topic, moving his attention to their surrounding. "We are, the hospital is not that far so it's okay for us to walk" L/N replied.

When they began to start their walk, Bokuto had kept L/N entertained by telling her different kinds of stories he experienced in his high school days.

"And the ball went woosh and wah it was so fast that you couldn't keep up with the ball!" Honestly, you didn't quite get it from the way he put those words into action. Bokuto reminds you of Yuuji.

"Can't you tell her a different kind of story? She's not a fan of volleyball so she won't understand what you were telling" Kuroo spoke

"Oh! Do you want me to tell you something about Kuroo, L/N?" Bokuto asked with a hint of excitement leaving Kuroo curious about where this is going.

"Oh sure go ahead," L/N told him

"There was this uhm I guess the leader of the team, he and Kuroo would always argue whenever they face each other at the same court. But when the leader of that team bragged about him having a girlfriend but Kuroo then decided to-" SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Kuroo shouted after realizing what he was going to say

Kuroo doesn't want to embarrass himself by knowing what he did.

"O- oi let him finish!" L/N yelled but then laugh after seeing how well the two bond.

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