Ash looked at Lille and she just whispered in his ear, "You can trust him!"

"Well, truth be told Gladion, I'm from the past. I woke up in the future the morning of the conference very confused, and these past few days after the conference, Lille has been helping me out!"

Gladion crinkled his eyebrows in an emotion Ash couldn't identify

"Oh.... well I certainly believe you, weird things happen to you Ash, but I'm just glad you're safe. But don't think just because you're from the past that you can get off scotch free! In fact, lets battle now while dinner is cooking!"

"Gladion I don't think that mother would-" Lille tried to speak but she was interrupted by her brother

Gladion interrupted Lille, "No! We're doing this outside. I want to see that Garchomp in action!"

"Sounds fun! Let's battle!" Ash spoke excitedly, always down for a battle

"How's a fast one on one sound?" Gladion suggested

"Fine by me!" Ash said happily


"Alright, Garchomp, I choose you!"

"Show them how we do this Silvally, let's go!"

Garchomp looked at Ash and nodded, "Alright, lets start this off with a dragon claw!"

Garchomp rushed at Silvally, who was struck by the dragon claw and slid back a few feet

Gladion gave his order, "Silvally, use giga impact!"

Silvally rushed Garchomp, and Ash gave his next order, match it head on with a dragon rush!"

Garchomp flew up in the air and descended at a rapid pace towards Silvally and slammed into it, the two attacks meeting in a mix of purple and gold.

Gladion threw a disc towards Silvally and it turned white, Ash looked at it puzzled

"Silvally, use ice beam!" Gladion commanded

Garchomp rolled out of the way, and automatically fired off a flamethrower like Ash had trained it to.

"Now Garchomp, like we practiced! Draco Meteor!"

Gladion threw a purple disc at Silvally and yelled out

"Now Silvally, do the same!"

Silvally looked up at the air and fired off a rock which exploded, but Garchomps draco meteor was ten times larger, and moving much faster.

The rocks came crashing down towards the pokemon, striking both Garchomp and SIlvally.

Ash cried out, "Garchomp, another dragon rush!"

"Ice beam again!" Gladion shouted

Silvally fired a much weaker ice beam, whereas Garchomp was as fast as ever. Garchomp slammed into Silvally, and a dust cloud was kicked up. But it was obvious who had win, Silvally collapsed, and Garchomp cried out in pain, but didn't faint.

Gladion just smiled and recalled Silvally

"Thanks Ash, it was a fun battle!" Gladion said as he walked back inside

Lille smiled, "So that's my brother!"


At dinner:

"Ash, I'm so proud of you!" Lusamine said happily as she started eating dinner

"So umm Lille, mom and I have an announcement to make," Gladion said nervously

"We're going to look for your father in Kanto." Lusamine shattered the tension

"Oh....that's.....that's great!" Lille said

"We leave in three days, so start packing!" Lusamine said

"Actually....I'm not sure if I want to go. You and Gladion are such great trainers, I'd just be dead weight for some sections. Not to mention, I'm doing really important work in Alola. I'm the new secretary of the entire league and Ash's head assistant! Isn't that right Ash?" Lille kicked Ash under the table who just nodded

"Oh, well I was unaware you had such responsibilities? Ash, would it be ok with you if Lille traveled with us?"

Lille looked at Ash with eyes that were pleading, and he went with a safe answer

"I think Lille should make her own decision on something as important as this. She needs to find her own path in life, as do all of us. And that takes time!" Ash explained his reasoning

"Spoken like a true champion!" Lusamine said impressed

Lille started tearing up slightly "Mom, I love you guys so much, but I just can't go! I have so much stuff, and you and Gladion will find Dad, I know! But it's just not worth it for me to go and drop everything!"

Gladion sighed, "Mom, I think I agree with Lille, it's meaningless for the league secretary to get up and leave like that,"

Lusamine finally caved, "Well, if both of my kids insist, so be it. Lille, you better take good care of the house! Because we all know how messy you can be"

Everyone laughed at her joke, but more importantly, Lille smiled to herself, knowing she'd be staying in Alola, and close with Ash.

Later that night:

Ash and Lille were walking back on the beach towards Ash's/Kukui's house.

"So Lille, I gotta ask. Why'd you lie at dinner about being my assistant and secretary? Not that I mind or anything, and you'd be the best person in the world for that job, but it's not how things are right now,"

Lille sighed, "Well Ash, truth be told I'm really happy here and I don't want to be away from all of you again. My family is great and all, but you guys are just the best. Plus, you know dang well that you could use an assistant! Anyways, thanks for sticking up for me,"

Ash laughed, "You're right about that, thanks for spending the day with me Lille!"

Ash walked away towards the house and he heard Lille yell out towards him.

"Ash! Come here!"

Ash turned around and Lille looked at him and stood on her toes, and put her hands around his head, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Goodnight Ash, thanks for being the best. I really appreciate it!" Lille ran off, cheeks red as a cherry.

Ash stood there, blushing with his mouth wide open like an Exploud


Meanwhile, Never, and Forever away in a realm outside space and time

Cyrus was awake

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