Chapter 9: 7 years passed return of the tenrou team

Start from the beginning

During the past 7 years, I myself had taken at least 3 or 4 jobs per week, saving up jewels to pay for our comrades' apartments. On a couple jobs, I encountered Millianna. She told me about how much she hated Jellal for everything he did, I honestly couldn't blame her. I also hated him for what he put Erza through, for what he did to Milly at the tower and for killing Simon!

Before Milly and I parted ways, she gave me a communication lacrima to call her with and said she was going to join an all girls' guild called Mermaid Heel.

Lastly, over the 7 years, my appearance had changed and I had completely mastered all aspects of Celestial magic and was able to control my Celestial Princess magic. My blonde hair had become more of a prominent brown and my adoptive father Jude Heartfilia also passed away from overwork. I had requested that he was buried next to his wife Layla in the Magnolia graveyard, which was where her grave was moved to since he lost the mansion.

Even though I didn't see him very much, I was just glad that I got the time to spend with the man I knew before Layla's death.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when there was a crash through our guild's roof. I hurried downstairs to see what happened and it was Ichiya along with Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Jenny and their flying airship: Christina.

"You better fix that, Ichiya, or I will not hestitate to contact Master Bob and tell him what you did to our roof!" I exclaimed. He immediately got to fixing the roof while we talked with the rest of them. "Lulu, it's so good to see you!" Jenny exclaimed.

"You too Jen-Jen! What brings you all here?" I asked.

"We have found traces of high ethernano levels in the waters of Tenrou island! Meaning that Tenrou island still exists!" Hibiki exclaimed. There were gasps from all around the guild while I was smiling like a maniac.

"If you have got the location pinpointed then take us there now!" I told them.

"All aboard the Mighty Christina!" Ichiya, who finished fixing the roof, called out.

"Max, Jet, Droy, Warren, Bisca, Alzack and I will head out to sea and search for our missing conrades and the island! Everyone else, you better behave yourselves while we are gone, am I understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am!" The guild exclaimed.

With that, we made our way to the docks with the map Hibiki sent to Warren's mind-link, and made our way to find what we had been searching for during the 7 long years.

(This is what she looks like now)

(This is what she looks like now)

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~on the sea~

"Make sure to keep an eye out, and let me know if you see anything!" I exclaimed.

Lost Neko Twins(FairyTail fanfiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now