{90} ~ Sho's Exceptional Abilities ~

Start from the beginning

I'm going to regret not taking out Honenuki first.

Aren't I?

Your POV ~

"Whoa that's our speedster."Uraraka said.

"Recipro Turbo huh? Using that move he's faster than even Gran Torino."Deku said in awe.

"Yeah because you startedusing your shoot style and using your kicks so Iida worked hard to make sure he stood out."You said with a smile.

"Hmm. I should ask if he's got any new pointers for me."Deku said with a hand under his chin.

"Um you guys eyes on Ojiro!"Mina said in a panic.

"He's trying for an ordinary fist fight."Jirou said.

"It looks like he's losing ground but Ojiro's gotten better like the rest of us. You've got this!"Sero said with a cheer.

"Aww man I can't keep this up."Ojiro said in pain.

"Don't you know you can't win if your just parrying!"Kaibara yelled as he kept punching him.

Not good.

Iida, or Shoji where are you Ojiro needs your help.


Ojiro's POV ~

I don't even have time to attack.

But I can't just keep blocking so support items of his will rip me to shreds .

Kaibara's gotten brutal.

"Whoa!" I said as I lost my grip on a pipe falling towards Kaibara.

"Got you now!" Kaibara yelled.


"Iida!" I yelled.

"I'll throw spiral in jail forgive my brief absence as I do!"Iida said dashing away.

"Ahhh!"Kaibara yelled.

"Help the others Ojiro mudman is probably heading towards them I'll be back!"Iida said as he dashed away.

"Yeah you got it!"I yelled to him.

His talking gets fast too.


Kaibara's POV ~

"Let go of me I haven't gotten to show off yet!"I yelled as I spun out of control in Ingenium's grip.

"Silence feind I won't let one of your ilk boast."Ingenium said to me.

"You let Honenuki go didn't you? Even though you saw how much a pain he can be, why wouldn't you go after him first ? Do you really think it's smart to but in on a one on one fight instead Ingenium?"I said to him annoyed.

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