Chapter 1

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My Part In The Wedding

I knew turning up at their house this late would be rude, but I'd known Jess and Kevin for years. This Saturday, the two of them are finally getting bloody married! Being the person that introduced them, I felt like I had a part in the love they've found in each other.

I'm sure the two of them can offer me a comfy bed for the night. They owe me at least that!

Approaching the door, I quickly flatten down my disheveled hair. I really didn't want them knowing I'd been sleeping in my car the last few nights. They'd only worry and I don't want to mess anything up for them.

I planned to make myself useful in some way. So useful in fact, they'd beg for me to stay! I'm sure there's probably a tone of balloons to blow up or wedding favors to sort. Ethier way, I can't spend another night in my car. I think my back is about to break. Sometimes it sucks to be over six feet tall.

Knocking firmly on the door, I put on a big smile. As the door creaks open, Jess pears around the door.

"Steven...?" She questions as she fully opens the door and gives me a smile.

"Oh hey, Jess!" I reply back, putting a foot into the doorway. "I've come to offer my services and help out with the wedding plans!"

As Jess steps aside, I walk past her giving a silly wide grin. As she closes the door behind her, I take off my jacket and hang it on a nearby coat hook.

"Come in....," Jess sarcastically grumbles, as I finish hanging my jacket. "Y'know, you should really call ahead."

Reaching out and placing a hand gently on her shoulder, I give her the biggest smirk.

"Naaah.....," I answer back. "We are like"

Tilting her head to onside, she throws me quiet the unimpressed face.

"Steven," she lectures. "You and Kevin aren't students anymore. We are about to be a married couple. There are boundaries."

Slowly taking my hand away from her shoulder and allowing it to fall to my side, I allow my shoulders to sag.

"Kevins my best friend," I softly reply. "I know things are going to be different, but what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't offer to help out."

Stepping closer to me, Jess gives me a much softer friendlier look. Comforting me, she gently places a hand on my side.

"It's hard huh?" She asks. "Not being the best man or even an usher at your best friend's wedding."

Dropping my head, I let out a long sigh. It did suck. It sucked big time!

"Kevin wanted to have you as the best man," she continues, now touching my chin and lifting my head. "He's unfortunately bound by family tradition. You know his brothers take those roles. Don't make it harder for him. He already feels awful about it."

As she lifts my gaze, our eyes meet. She looks at me with complete understanding. She's a firecracker normally, but Jess really does have a heart of gold. She's perfect for Kevin and that does make me very happy.

"Can I at least help with something tonight?" I ask as we share a moment together.

With a waft of her long brown hair, Jess lets go of my chin and smirks.

"Sure slugger!" she says with a chuckle. "We're just folding paper cranes at the moment. We need one thousand for the wedding. You can help!"

"Cranes..?" I ask with excitement as she leads me into the family room. "I'm guna fold the crap out of them there cranes!"

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