Chapter 4

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Jax's p.o.v.
I grabbed the knife thinking about what I was about to do but who cares it's not like I'm going to live. I pulled it across and my whole body was paralyzed I couldn't move and the voice started talking filling me with thoughts making me believe them. "Emma doesn't care about you. Your nothing. No one cares about you. Might as well die like your mother did. Everyone hates you" then I blacked out
Diego's p.o.v.
Jax was in surgery and I was sitting there crying I didn't care who saw me. My best friend might die. I was sitting crying when I felt a hand on my was Emma's. I quickly got out if reach and looked at her with pure hatred. "None of this would have happened if you didn't break his heart!!!" I scream at her. Now everyone's eyes where on us in the hospital but I didn't care I only cared about Jax he was there even was I wasn't there for him but that's all going to change. "You know I didn't mean to" Emma says quietly because she was scared of me. "You didn't mean to YOU DIDNT MEAN TO!!! You said you loved Daniel right in front of him!! You need to open your eyes and see that Daniel is a jerk!!' Let me ask you who was there when Daniel broke up with you 7 times!" I shout at her. "Jax" she says still quiet "Diego stop!" Screams Andi getting in between us "and who was there when it was your moms birthday and you cried the whole day"
"And when Daniel.....Kissed Mia....on stage in front of everyone!"

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