part 6

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after a lot of explaining carol finally understood, "so i can go back and get y/n?" she asked and danny nodded "yes but it will be dangerious.. theres chaos down there" carol ha d a kuestion "wait how do we kno yn isnt dea?" she asked "we dont" danny answered

carol sighed "ok i will do it,,," and dnay used his pony up daddy to send her to earth

carol was down there and gasped, what had she done? everything sucked and was on fire now, "aaaaaaaaaa" she scramed.. but then she rember her mission and started walking through the hell once called the marvelous sity land of hot heat it was hot in the city and sun cause they can see the sun. they could see the sun from this city.. carol cried remembering old time

she looked a the ratatoing and went in.. 

all of the tables were thrown around and some were on fire.. sad. she sexily walked to the kitchen, as if going to tell the orders to marcell.. the orders she will never see again.

as soon as she walked through she noticed two rats.. marcell and greg kissing "hey marcell hey greg" marcell gasped as  carol said what she said "CAROL DID U CAUSE THIS" he screamed and carol gulped "n-no" "ok good" marcel said

"i want u to help me with something." carol asked

"with what? were in the middle of the apocalpyese" greg said

"i want to find yn.."

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