April 28, Sebastian's surprise

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———————- Sebastian's Pov ———————-

After I found ciel like that on the floor I haven't let him out of my sight. He recovered nicely and is back to his old self and finally told me why he got so upset. I still can't believe that he thought I had any intrest in that girl, one I don't and two she was a lesbian. I couldn't stand how upset ciel looked after I told him that so I promised him I wold never leave his side.

        ''Sebastian could we start thinking of names for the boys, I have one but I don't know about the other''

''Okay what is the name you thought of, and I picked out a name too''

        ''I would like to name one Aki Tsubaki, what did you think of''

''How about Yuuki Ayumu''

        ''Perfect we have our little Yuuki and Aki'' Ciel smiled as he and sebastian sat down on their bed.

"Are you ready for me to start breakfast''

        ''Yes, i'm starving. Could we have omelets please''

''If thats what you three want then I can make it''

I helped ciel downstairs and he sat on the couch quietly watching The last king of Scotland. I watched ciel as I made our breakfast. I loved the faces he made when people were killed or something romantic happened. I was almost finished when I didn't see him on the couch I looked all around thinking to myself he is fine he will just get mad if I try to help him. I let out a soft sigh and then I hear a loud shriek, I dropped everything that I had in my hands and ran to where ciel was. I find him laying on the ground with a cut down his legs and broken glass on the floor.

''C-ciel! I'm here...i'm here.....just calm down''

        "Sebastian it *hic* hurts so much *hic* make the *hic* bleeding stop"

"I will, you just have to calm down, please for the babies'' I gentlely rubbed my thumb over his cheek giving him a small kiss

I picked him up and set him on the couch and got the first-aid kit and sewed the deep cut in his leg and put a gauze around it. He finally stopped crying and I took him upstairs and layed him in bed. I walked back down stairs and grabbed his breakfast and some advil, I gave him he medicine and he took it and then ate his breakfast.

———————- Nobody's Pov ———————-

Sebastian and ciel fell asleep together on the bed, sebastian was still holding ciel close to him. Ciel woke up first kissing sebastian on the nose waking him up too. Ciel looked at his leg which was feeling a lot better thanks to sebastian.

        "Sebastian you know you still have to show me the surprise you were talking about''

"Okay but first how is your leg feeling?"

        "My leg is just fine now what is it''

Sebastian smiled and covered ciel's eyes, they walked down the hallway to the spare room they had and opened the door. Him and ciel entered the room and ciel was dying to see what it was. Sebastian smled and took his hands away from ciel's eyes, his eyes slowly fluttered open. Sebastian had finished the nursery and it was beyond beautiful. The walls were mainly white but the wall on the left was a light blue and the one on the right was a light purple, there were two white cribs on each side of the room. They had all of the blankets that the ordered and above each bed had their names on the wall. There was a large closet with all of the baby clothes he got and a box filled with toys. In the oppisite direction there was a changing table and two rocking chairs with a small shelf with childrens books on it. Ciel went to one of the cribs and noticed it had a small little bunny that looked like him and he went over to the other and found a little bunny that looked like sebastian.

        ''Sebastian the room is so beautiful''

''Its not as beautiful as you but its pretty close''

        ''I love you'' Ciel smiled and kissed sebastian gently.

"I love you too'' Sebastian kissed ciel slowly taking dominence as he rubbed ciel's belly.

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