| 16 | the way

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Three witches you shall meet, on the path to your fate. One will deceive you, one will relieve you and one will show you the way.
- Unknown


- Nicolas -

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- Nicolas -


As the last rays of sunlight of the day were swallowed up, I told the horse to stop slowly. His stamina seemed to be waning a bit, and it was important to ride a fully rested horse in case we needed to escape quickly. "We should let the horse rest for a few hours," I spoke to Victorine. The first words we had exchanged in hours.

"That's right," she agreed with me and was the first to get off the mount. We looked for a semi-suitable place to sleep, then I attached our shadow horse to one of the trees. This seemed to blend in perfectly with the gathering darkness, becoming less and less visible. If Victorine and I were also dressed in all black, we could have counted the perfect camouflage at night to our advantage.

We sat down next to each other and kept silent until complete darkness had enveloped us. The moonlight was so dim today that one could barely see one's own hand in front of one's eyes. It took some time for my vision to adjust to the light conditions and for me to make out Victorine's silhouette again.

She was sitting on the forest floor with her knees drawn as far to her chest as her armor would allow. She still hadn't taken off her helmet, just as I had.

I contemplated her for a while. I knew all too well the feeling of having lost one's parents. But I had never lost a friend before.

I never had anything like a friendship.

"You can go to sleep, Victorine," I said in a calm voice.

The king's daughter moved her head and looked at me. "No, it's all right. Get some rest, Nicolas. I'll keep watch."

"I'm not tired, Victorine. So it would be smart for you to take the opportunity to regain your strength," I objected.

She had certainly been searching for me all morning. Had snuck into a witch's nest and saved my life. Had just lost her dragon a few hours ago and had also injured her head. Victorine needed sleep more than I did.

For a few seconds she looked at me in silence, then sighed. "Wake me halfway so you can sleep too." With those words, she lay down on the soil and turned away from me.

While putting on my helmet, I looked at the tethered shadow horse, wondering at what distance it would become nervous or noticeable to threatening forest creatures. Hopefully at a far one, so I would be forewarned in time. Even more, however, I hoped that no hungry creatures would be near us tonight.

We still had a long journey to Tenebris. And Cephas and his troops were once again one step ahead of us. We just couldn't let him use the Heart of the Primal Witch before we could stop him. Then we would be lost.

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