the Kumo mafia boss

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I went into the tall building. I was hoping to nail this interview and have the position of Onigumo industries. It was a company that sets out to make profit by producing fame to new uprising stars. Kind of like a model and acting company. Their biggest star so far was Kagome Higurashi. As i walked into the office i felt a bit uneasy as sitting at the desk in front of me was the buisness owner naraku. His ceo inuyasha brought me in.

"Naraku, this is yuki toshino she is here for the secretary position".

"I see...well then come on in and have a seat, inuyasha would you get us some sake"?

"Right away sir".

Inuyasha pours sake in two small cups and leaves. Naraku kept starring at me though i didnt know exactly why but i felt uneasy by his gaze. It was almost as if he was...undressing me.


"So yuki, i can tell your very unique, do you know as to why i say this"?

" sir not exactly...".

"Well...have you ever heard of an ancient tale of the shikon jewel"?

"No sir i..cant say i have".

"Heh...well yuki, the jewel was quite powerful, you granted the wishes of its user, whether is be human or demon".

"I dont think there is such a thing as demons sir".

"Oh? But you couldnt be more further from the truth...tell me my dear girl, have you ever noticed strange things occuring around you at all? Or that you have done unexplained things"?

"Um...well, there was this one time, i...had a friend who wished to be a famous star named kagome...then her wish came true and now shes one your top clients now".

"Really now...thats very interesting, anything else"?

"W..well friend sango had a crush on this one boy miroku and..she wished to be more like his type, the next thing i knew hand glowed and...well...she suddenly changed probably dont believe me".

"Oh, quite the contrary i actually do yuki, and i can tell you as to why all these miracles transpired".

"R..really? I..i have always wanted to know why its just...strange".

He grinned at me. As i saw the grin i felt suddenly uneasy. He stood up and walked behind me setting his hands on my shoulders.

"Because yuki...your the shikon jewel itself reincarnated".

"Th..thats ridiculous, offense sir but is this really necessary for my interview? If not then please dont waste my time..".

"Oh but it is, you see...i have been looking for you my little wish granting jewel".

He turned my face towards his. I could see his piercing red eyes. How did i not notice the color of his eyes? Thats not normal, could they be contacts? And if so why where cosmetic contacts?

"S..sir uh..why are you wearing contacts"?

"...these are not, their my true eye color".

"No offense sir but thats a lie, no one has red eyes".

"They do if their a demon".

"There is no such thing! Now if your just going to waist my valuable time i will leave"!

I stood up and started heading to the door when i felt something grab me. As i looked back i was shocked and horrified to see a tentacle had wrapped itself around me and it was coming from naraku. He yanked me back into him.

"Your not going anywhere...i have finally found you my little jewel and im not letting you disappear again..".

"L..let me go"!

"How about instead of just the position of my secretary...i give you a better opportunity"?

He pulled out a piece of paper and sat me back down. He then sat down again.

"W..what is this...who are you.."?!

"I am the demon from a very ancient time known as naraku, and this my little shikon jewel, is a contract".

"A..a c..contract for what"?

"You will not only become my assistant...but also my bride".

"Y..your bride"?!!

"Well? What say you yuki? I am a very powerful and wealthy man and can give you anything, your just the one i have been looking for, and all you have to sign it and become mine".

"Tch! Thanks but no thanks! I only applied for this position to support my father who is struggling! He...he got in trouble with the kumo mafia and owes them money".

"Hmm...very interesting...alright since you refuse my offer, i suppose ill let you go for now, but mark my wilp become mine yuki...".

"In your fucking dreams creep"!

With a huff i left. Inuyasha came back in and noticed the evil grin naraku had. I went home a few hours later to find the kumo mafia was at our house. As i went in what i saw brought nothing but fear to me as i saw my father and naraku.

"Yuki..y..your home".

"Father...what is that creep doing here"!?

"Y..yuki...this is naraku he..he is actually the boss of the kumo mafia".

My heart felt like it stopped. I had just told him in his office about our situation and he found out who my father was. This was my fault.

"Your father had just made a deal with my so he is considered payed in full".

"F..father...what was the deal about..".

"I..y..yuki..i suggest you pack your things now".

"W..what are you talking about"?!

Naraku darkly chuckled. Indicating what he had threatened me before was exactly what my father had just agreed to.

" didnt"!

"Oh but he be a good little bride and pack up your things...your moving in my place tonight no exceptions".

"F..father! Why! could you"!

"Yuki...i..i had to...they were going to kill me or worse...just..please go pack up".

"Th..this cant be happening...".

As i stood there full of despair and tears, naraku walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders grinning sadistically. He leaned towards my ear and whispers.

"I told you way or another i will have you as my sweet little shikon jewel~".

Naraku and the Shikon reincarnatedWhere stories live. Discover now