Panda senpai continued,

"We took both of them to get treated and also informed other teachers. Other teachers came and went inside, we were waiting outside the room. Suddenly Gojo sensei called for Toge and a few minutes later Toge and Gojo sensei dragged Yuuji out of the room to another room."

Mr. Ijichi said, "It's said that Sukuna did this to Megumi. Beside that we don't know anything."

My head is in mess, it is too much to take in. I asked,

"Yuuji.... Where is he now?"

"He is tied down in the training hall and Gojo-san and Toge are keeping an eye on him." Mr. Ijichi replied.

"Why tied down?" We all asked at the same time.

"Cause Sukuna has taken over Yuuji's body and Yuuji isn't able to take control over his body."

We all are shocked, I assume that Maki senpai and Panda senpai also didn't know about it. We all looked towards the floor because we all are helpless right now, we can't do anything except waiting. We returned back in front of the medical room and kept waiting.


~Inside the Medical room~

Megumi is laying down on a stretcher and Ms. Shoko is treating his wounds and examine his body, Mr. Nanami and Principal are standing in a corner waiting for any update regarding Megumi's health.

"So, what do you think? Is he in any critical situation?"

"No, till now everything is under my control. I need to examine for a little while."

"It's Megumi's luck that Yuuji regained his consciousness and brought him here in time."

"But now Sukuna again took over Yuuji's body and keeps saying that he did nothing."

"We need to know what actually happened there and Megumi is the only one who can tell us."

Nanami and Principal were busy with their discussions when they interrupted by a shocked voice,

"WHAT'S THIS...??"

They looked towards from where the sound came, Shoko has a strange expression on her face. They went closer to her, she is examining Megumi's stomach when she saw something weird in there. She took a closer look and others follow her sight but they aren't able to notice anything.

"How can this happen??"

Shoko folded her arms, she can't believe what just she saw now.

"Umm... What happened? Is there something wrong?"

"Actually this portion in Megumi's belly is kind of weird." She pointed the place with her finger.

"This place here USED to has a deep injury.... Yes USED TO but not anymore. Some how the cells in this area regenerated themselves, don't know how."

"WHAT.... That's impossible, how can this happen."

"That's what I'm thinking too. WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED THERE....?!!"

Everything is in a mess right now, nobody knows what actually happened there except Megumi himself but for that it's important for him to be conscious.


~Training room~

Everything is also in chaos here too, Yuuji whose body is under Sukuna's control now. Gojo and Toge have him tied up, he was on the floor on his knees. Gojo is sitting on a chair and beside him is Toge who is ready to help his Gojo sensei anytime.

"So will you open your mouth now..... Why did you do that?"


"I'm not bound to answer you and you can't make me."

Gojo made a strong fist with his right hand that even his nerves are popping out. He stood up from his and lift up his hand to give Sukuna a punch but he stopped himself.

"Why did you stop? Come on, beat me..... What.....?? You can't?!!"

*Sukuna laughed out louder*

Gojo pushed the chair with his leg and went to a corner putting his hand on his head.

~Sukuna's territory~

Sukuna is on his throne and Yuuji is sitting on some random bones down the throne.

"Hey... Give me my body back or tell them what really happened there. I was unconscious so I don't know but YOU KNOW EVERYTHING, then why don't just tell them."

"I'm not giving explanation to anyone, I don't care what they fuckn think about me and I'm not giving back the control unless I see Megumi in his senses. Now keep quiet or I'll make you."

This is a very difficult time for everyone, specially for Megumi, Yuuji and Sukuna and the only one who can solve this is laying unconscious. The only thing they all can do is keep waiting for Megumi to wake up.


Everyone is waiting outside of the medical room when suddenly the door opened, Nanami came through the door. They surrounded him hoping for some update on Megumi's situation.

"Nanami sensei, how is Megumi doing? Is he out of danger."

"Yes according to Ms. Shoko he is out of danger but she can't tell anything before he became conscious."

Everyone's face dropped its a good news that Megumi is not in danger but they were hoping for something more good.

"Can see him for a bit, sensei?" Nobara asked.

"Okay, but only you." He gave permission to her and went to meet with Gojo.

Nobara went inside the room, principal and Shoko are talking standing in a corner.

"Can I have a look of Megumi??"

Ms. Shoko nodded to go ahead, she went and stood in front of Megumi, he is injured and paler than usual. His eyes are closed but he is still breathing, he is alive. A drop of water came out of Nobara's left eye, she closed her both eyes and wipe off the year on her face when she heard something.She opened her eyes and found Megumi's lips moving, he is saying something.

She put her right ear closer to Megumi's face, trying to hear is he saying,




Megumi is kept repeating Sukuna's name. Her eyes got wider,

"What happened Nobara??"

Nobara get back in her senses, she lift up her head and look towards the principal and Ms. Shoko,

"Megumi..... came..... conscious.....!!!"

Ms. Shoko rushed and started to examine Megumi.

Nobara went backwards to give Ms. Shoko some space,

'Did I heard right....?? Megumi was keep mumbling Sukuna's name..... Why??'


Side note: If you like the story then give it a star and share it with your friends, it will help me to stay motivated and write new stories.

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