Chapter 14: The Battle

Start from the beginning

"It's ok. Say hi to dad for me." He replied.

"No. You go and say goodbye." Ian said.


"I had someone who looked out for me. Someone who pushed me to be more than I ever thought I could be. I never had a dad, but I always had you." Ian told him.

He then raised his staff and charged forward.

"I'll go help Ian. Good luck Barley." (Y/n) said following after him.

"'Bridgrigar Invisia!'" Ian created the invisible bridge underneath his feet and charged at the dragon.

"'Boombastia!'" Ian shouted, sending fireworks into the dragons face.

The dragon tried to swipe at Ian with its tail, but Ian slid under it. The dragon went to strike again, but Ian cast the levitation spell stopping it in place.


Meanwhile, (Y/n) was climbing up the debris pile where the sword went to go and retrieve it. She stuck her hand into an opening and reached for it.


The dragon managed to swing Ian up into the air and he lost the grip on his staff. He landed hard on the ground and the staff flew over the cliff and into the water.


The dragon turned toward a Barley and started waking over to him, nearly stepping on Ian in the process.

"No! No, no, no!" Ian screamed. "Use what I have. Uh, what do I have? I have nothing." He looked down at his hand and saw a splinter in it. "Splinter! Magic in every fiber." He pulled the splinter out.

"Magnora Gantuan!" The splinter grew bigger until it was about the size of his old staff.

Ian saw the dragon getting closer to Barley.

"No! Voltar Thundasir!" He bellowed and a huge blast of lightning shot at the dragon and hit its side, blowing it up and exposing the core.

(Y/n) had just managed to grab the end of the sword and pulled it out of the rubble.

"Ian!" She shouted, and tossed the sword at him.

"Accelior!" Ian cast the magic on the sword in mid air and it flew at the beast landing right in the core.

The beast exploded and Ian collapsed dropping his staff.

"Ian!" (Y/n) ran over to his side, and knelt down next to him just as the two were encased in rubble.

"Ian! Ian wake up!" The girl shook him and Ian sat up with a gasp.

"Oh, thank goodness you're alive!" She wrapped her arms around him in a bone crushing hug.

"(Y/n)! You're okay! Thanks for the help back there." Ian said.

"Of course. Here let me help you up." She put his arm over her shoulder and helped him to a standing position.

Light started peering in between the cracks of the debris and the two made their way over to a peeky hole to see what was going on.

On top of the hill, Wilden had fully appeared and was talking to Barley. They couldn't hear what they were saying, but at some point Wilden let out a laugh, and wrapped his arms around Barley and hugged him. Barley hugged back and then Wilden disappeared. Barley wiped his nose and started making his way back down the hill.

"Uh, hey, (Y/n)?" Ian said.

"Yeah Ian?"

"Um...hypothetically speaking...if I were to...ask you out on a date...what would your answer have been-?"

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