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Everyday when you're walking down the street.

In order to make things less awkward and translate better between the emogendaries and Latte.

Raven and Ash decided to... do something else while Abyss and Cres talk to Latte. Because let's face it, girl to girl talk is great. Anyways, Raven and Ash walked over to a cliff side (Might be the same cliff that Wind proposed to Fire in my other book) which had a beautiful view of the corrupted kingdom. "I could push you down right now and no one would be shock" Raven said. "Well... maybe except for Crescent and Abyss"

"Uh huh, then why aren't you doing it?" Ash asked.

"Does it look like I want Abyss to kill everyone with a tsunami?" Raven replied. "I have murderous intentions but my purpose is to serve the darkness"

"...Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"You're being so goddamn nice to me, what's wrong with you?! You were an asshole yesterday... But now you want to pin me down on a bed!?" Obviously, Ash was confused as hell.

Raven looked at the spirit with cold dead eyes. "Obviously" was all he replied.

This caught Ash off guard a bit and he promptly turned his head away, making sure the birb can't see his face.

"What's wrong?" Raven asked.

"Don't talk to me anymore you fucking bird, your entire emotion and mind is a fucking roulette wheel" Ash replied. "Why can't you just... keep it as 1 certain emotion, go back to being a person with a cold, dead heart"

"I'm not the one who gave in on the "no talking" game first" Raven argued back. "It's obvious that you have feelings for me as well"


"Fine, fine"

They both stood there in silence for a while... well, Raven was admiring the destruction of the kingdom while Ash had his back turned against Raven, not wanting to face the humiliation he got himself into.

Eventually, Ash got lost in his own thoughts, mostly confused, partly angry and definitely having an existential crisis.

"Why am I slightly attracted to him?"

"How tf do I make these feelings go away?"



If a certain someone write porn in the comment, I'm archiving the book/srs

Ash was so frustrated that he got up and left... well.

Smth happened.

When Ash decided to have some actual alone time, a mysterious force (and by mysterious I meant Pomegranate was conducting a spell in the castle and accidentally caused a mini earthquake, causing the sea to rage and Ash almost fell off the cliff.

Luckily Raven pulled him in quick enough. He saved the pile of ashes.

"Wait, why did I do that" Raven asked himself in his thought, not realizing that Ash was face first into his chest.

Ash was... red. He felt like "Fire Spirit" again... his face felt like it was burning. He didn't like this... he's lying to himself, he wants to stay like this forever... No, he needs to resist. "Let go of me"


"OI" Ash was getting impatient. "You dumb bird, let go of me"

Raven pulled Ash away a bit before realizing Ash was blushing. And then the purple cabbage smirked for the first time in a while.

"...What!?" Ash was slightly annoyed.

Raven was happy to know that Ash still had some feelings for him as well as blushing every time Raven teases him, he's just very... very much in denial.

"Don't be make me push you off this fucking cliff" Ash replied. "Even though you have wings... AND STOP GRABBING MY FACE"

Raven was indeed, grabbing Ash's face.

"You look cute whenever you act like this" Raven replied "I know you still love me"

"Please, stop being delusional" Ash argued back. "No way in hell am I in love with you"

"Uh huh, I think I see your sister and Crescent walking outside from Latte's house... let's go" Before Raven picked up Ash and carried him.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Ash demanded.


Surprisingly Ash didn't even resisted for that long, he resisted for like 30 seconds before being quiet. Either because he secretly enjoys being held like this or it's because he got tired. It's both.

Lucky for him, Raven didn't say anything the whole way.

However, he did get teased by Abyss when they eventually returned to the girls.

Abyss just giggled a bit "And you said you didn't like it" said Abyss as Raven puts down Ash.

"And I didn't" Ash is in denial.

"Why are you blushing then?"

Ash coughed. "Let's... let's not talk about this"

Crescent was grinning. "Man, it went from Raven being in denial to YOU being in denial, hahaha" Cres doing her evil laugh "But seriously, what the fuck were they doing in that castle"

"Yeah, I only stopped the ocean from rising because... it's too early to make another Atlantis" Abyss said.

"Honey, you'll flood my future kingdom but I'll gladly let you sink it if it makes you happy" Crescent said.

"What's our next step?" Raven asked.

"Well... let's see.... hmmm... Herb done, Sparkling's probably won't have any objections if it revolves around following Herb's orders... Espresso was easy enough, that stupid Madeleine guy'll probably follow Espresso's orders, Latte agreed to help us in our little rebellion along with her little wizarding academy... hmmm..." Cres was using her brain

"Dark Choco?" Abyss suggested

"Oh he's gonna be a fucking pain in the ass" Raven complained. "Do you know how fucking stubborn that asshole has gotten!?"

"We'll make him join, I have good reasoning, he probably won't serve someone who'll eventually betray him" Crescent replied.

"What about Pomegranate and Licorice?" Ash asked.

"Those 2 would be hard, they seem close to Dark Enchantress..." Raven said.

"I got it! That lil' pink hair motherfuck that I forgot the name of!" Crescent suggested.

"Strawberry Crepe?" Raven asked

"Yeah! He should be easy enough... I think" Crescent replied.

"A kid... do we just give him a fucking lollipop?" Ash asked.

"We'll think of something" Crescent replied.

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热爱105度的你 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水

Denial || RavenAshМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя