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Here's a bonus abt sheeps:

It was a nice day at the farm, Shaven is happily getting married to Shash with Shres as their uhhh... priest... what're they called... anyways, they were getting married. After the non existing bells rung, Shaven and Shash kissed, don't ask me how sheeps kissed while Shres went back to watch the tiny wedding with Sheepbyss.

"Baa" said Sheepbyss. This is roughly translated to "Wus that in sky" 

"Baa?" Shres looked up. "Baaaa..."

It was a bunch of fighter jets about to ruin the wedding.

The 4 sheeps looked at the 15 fighter jets, wondering what they should do cuz they can't fly, they're sheeps.

Just then, Sheepbyss had a brilliant idea. She rushed into her secret bunker in the chicken coop, rummage through the lethal weapon pile beneath one of the nests and whipped out her ultimate weapon.

Sheepzuka: Made by sheeps, operated by sheeps

Now you might wondering how Sheepbyss even got her dainty legs on a bazooka

It's simple, after she successfully robbed her own owner at gunpoint to force him to go into the Sheep web: the secret website made by extremely smart sheeps, operated by extremely smart sheeps; she managed to make him buy her the sheepzuka, it looks like an actual Bazooka but not only are the ammos shaped like sheeps, the sheepzuka is infinitely easier to use since... sheeps don't have thumbs.

Sheepbyss set up everything and looked the the manual on how to use it


1. Baa

2. Baa, baaaaaaa, Ba

3. Baaa baa baaaa


It is very easy to use. Sheepbyss quickly learned how to use the Bazooka... and shot dead the 39 fighter jets.

The debris of 28 fighter jets fell down and the 4 sheeps cheered. They just saved the farm and dropped the corpse of 89 fighter jets onto the neighbouring condom factory

The end of Raven's dream.

Now onto the actual Ashrella dream.

Ashrella lived the world's shittiest life. Constantly bullied by his stepmom: Ananas (Imagine Ananas in a dress, don't make him female, just put him and his huge man boobs body in a dress) and his 2 stepsisters, Crescent Moon and UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- Pomegranate.

Admittedly, Cres didn't bully him as much but, life still shit.

One day, while Ashrella was cleaning the floor with a toothbrush, his family received a beautiful letter from the King that he is hosting a grand party to find the perfect soulmate for his son, Raven.

However, Ananas only allowed Cres and Pom to go, Ashrella was forced to stay behind... unless he can disguise himself as a girl.

So Ashrella did... only to get absolutely harrassed by Pomegranate and his lovely dress was torn.

While his family went to the castle for the grand party, Ash cried his eyes out... until Cres joined him.

"Wait why aren't you with them?" Ashrella asked.

"I'm a lesbian"

Oh yeah, so they both sat in the garden... UNTIL, a magical fairy with a trident appeared.

Cres eyes immediately lit up because she was looking at the world's most beautiful woman.

Ashrella was confused.

The fairy introduced herself as Abyss and she will make Ashrella's wish come true.

"On one condition" Abyss said.

"What?" Ashrella asked.

"Can I date your sister?" Abyss asked as she look at Cres.

"Yeah sure" Ashrella replied

"Also the spell is gone at 1 in the morning"

"Wait why 1 in the morning?"

"I can't sleep until 1 in the morning"

Anyways, Ashrella went to the ball with the world's fanciest dress while the lesbians were... lesbian-ing.

At the ball, Raven was trying his best not to turn the whole thing into a giant massacre party, oh how he hated everyone he laid his eyes on... until he laid his eyes on Ashrella. Mf knew that Ash was trying so hard to be a girl... I mean it worked but only Raven saw through the disguise due to his kink for guys in dresses...

So they danced until it was 00:55 and they were alone in the garden

"Ah fuck I gotta leave" Ash said.

"Why?" Raven asked.

"I uhhh need to leave before I-"

"Shush, I already know you're a guy in a dress"

"Wait how the fu-"

"I know Abyss on a personal level plus I have a kink for guys in dresses... anyways"

Before Ashrella could escape, Raven brought him to his bedroom and proceeded to sleep with him. Needless to say, everything turned out better than Ash thought.

And then they got married

Consider this chapter 3 pt. 2

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