10 • Ouch

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Fuck ! Maybe calling Shouto would be a good idea if it wasn't because the phone was in his bedroom and she was frozen in place, scared of making any other noise.

It stung.

What stung ?

The fucking glass sliced into her flesh when trying to catch it midair and now she was bleeding, scared to death and cornered between the wall and a hard place.

" Todoroki ? "

Squeezing her eyes shut, she felt panic seeping through her bloodstream until a familiar voice greeted the person at the door by his name only to be hushed by the first unknown male voice and before the split-haired boy could attempt to explain himself, the door was kicked open with brute force, yanking a whimper out of her and causing her to crouch further into herself as if making herself as small as physically possible would be enough to simply hide her in plain sight.

" Midoriya ! " The familiar voice nagged at the famous hero who reacted before even asking, possibly assuming that his highschool friend had thieves breaking into his place but only finding a frightened girl instead.

" Who... ? "

" She is my--- She is not a thief ! "

" Todoroki, I'm sorry ! I didn't know you had a girlfriend ! I just heard noises and you weren't answering and then you got here and I thought-- I'm sorry ! "

The green-haired hero began apologizing profusely, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment behind his freckles.

" I just came by to drop some soba I got while I was downtown and since I know it's your favo-- I'm sorry! Here it is ! " Izuku didn't even give him time to respond while pushing the takeout bag against his chest whilst bowing in front of him just to rush away thereafter, probably overwhelmed by his own embarrassment.

Truth be told, the commotion had been too much for the half redhead to notice the bloodied hand she was clutching against her chest until she finally stood up after Shouto closed the slightly dented front door behind him and rushed to check on her, assuming just how scared she might have been but another worry replaced the first one upon noticing the small wound.

" What happened ? " Concern was dripping from his tone of voice, holding onto her wrist to bring the wounded side of her hand under the stream of water from the sink before trying to use a very mild version of his freezing quirk to help her numb the area without creating further damage but just enough to minimize the pain.

" I'm... I'm sorry, I was doing the dishes when I heard the doorbell and I got scared and dropped the glass and--- " Brows were bunched up into a concerned frown while trying to explain herself but her monologue was interrupted by the warmth of a kiss against her temple.

" Come, I'll bandage it up for you. "

Ah, a skip of a heartbeat.

Boku No Hero Academia | BNHA | T E A C H  M E 🍋 • Shouto × ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora